Arne Kirk. Captain Kirk 🇸🇯 Profile picture
#freedomOfSpeach 🇳🇴🇺🇸 #17 #172020 #TrustingThePlan #17isQue
Apr 1, 2020 12 tweets 10 min read
@Tazatator @raynman123 @AmyMek 1.Years of socialism/communism/marxism. Years of brainwashing the population. The Swedes are very nice and welcoming, and that have been used against them.
They "all" agreed to let hords of muzzis flow into their country because their PM in 2014 ... @Tazatator @raynman123 @AmyMek 2. Told the to open up their hearts for the upcoming refugee crisis, and that would be a heavy burden, but they would have to face this together and bla bla bla. The Swedes agreed, because they are nice.
2015 mig-crisis went nuts in SW. It was allowed to...
Mar 27, 2020 34 tweets 15 min read
1. En kort gjennomgang av det som henger sammen med #PizzaGate
Madeleine McCann forsvinningen, jakten på superdopet #Adrenochrome , Trumps kamp mot dette, og hvordan dette henger sammen med #CoronaLockdown og #DeepState 2. #anthonyweinerlaptop var det som startet det hele. Denne ble beslaglagt av politiet etter at han ble anmeldt for å sexte en mindreårig.