How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App submitted the paper knowing full well that @eLife usually restricts its scope to empirical work. The idea was to challenge that restriction, since (in my opinion) biology urgently needs a revival of serious conceptual efforts to prevent the descent of the field into pointless.. of all: I love the direction in which this is going! You identify a number of the most profound misrepresentations & challenges in biology today. And I think the way you go about describing them is pretty spot on. Thank you for posting this and popularising this view! /1 the #EES debate in our field to be something like the last UEFA Champions League final, played between Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur. Unless you are a big fan of either team, it was a terrible game to watch. And I really couldn’t care less who was going to win it. /1 Our paper introduces different views on causality to biologists. Physical notions based on law-like regularity of phenomena, or transfer of matter & energy are not really suitable in biology, where general laws are rare & the transfer of information often more important. /1 @A1Telekom also kicked me out of their online chat. Un-fucking-believable. that this is due to a large extent to institutional barriers & a lack of education & appreciation on part of the scientists. But also due to the idiotic productivity-centred academic funding & publishing system we have set up. Philosophical work no longer worth our time. /2 difference in strategy & priorities: Austria 🇦🇹 re-opens garden centres, Denmark 🇩🇰 re-opens primary schools first. Is there any epidemiological reason? Or are these strategies based purely on economic and/or social criteria? Any opinions out there? /2