Computer science + Biomedicine = Medicine as a Knowledge Processing Discipline @harvardMED @HarvardDBMI Prof/Dept Chair MD/PhD
Aug 20, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Weight loss the data nerd way: This post by @karpathy on "Biohacking Lite"… was pointed out by colleagues including @AndrewLBeam who noted how trim he looked on AI Day. It's interesting at many levels A) Physics/CS take on the controversies 1/
in weight-loss and the hard truths of thermodynamics B) how biology is understood by someone who was not educated/warped by a conventional biological education C) The personality type that allows implementation of a short feedback look on calorific I/O. Med students would 2/
Jul 8, 2021 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
What if you or your doctor could accurately predict how long you had to live upon a new diagnosis of aggressive cancer (e.g. lung cancer or sarcoma)? I've faced that question both as a doctor and with a dearly beloved. On the one hand I know I would 1/ #ML#AI#mortality
do the utmost to beat the odds… and a gloomy prediction would be just another hurdle to overcome. On the other hand, a very accurate predictor of mortality upon diagnosis would be very useful: we might dispense w control arms in trials [at our peril] 2/
Jun 22, 2021 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Prismatic Publication: Sherlock Holmes of computational biology studies is revealed in in story that combines Wuhan #SARSCoV2@NIH deleted sequences telltale emails, @googlecloud HT @baym 1/
Dr. Bloom recovered #SARSCoV2 sequences that are closer to bats that any early 2020 human viral samples despite the order to destroy all early viral samples /2
Nov 25, 2018 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
Why is this paper in… a surprising and exciting discovery about #Alzheimers? It's not just that they found new variants Alzheimer’s disease-related gene APP. CC @alzheimerssoc
It's not just that they realized that the new variants were being coded by DNA with unusual intragenic splices and not because of errors in splicing and that these variants found in sporadic #Alzheimers were similar to those found in Familial #Alzheimers. CC @alzassociation