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Mar 13th 2023
1/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on March 13, 2023
quick update -
#RussianArmy failed on all their attacks around #Bakhmut, but have some real success in the south!
Also out of the city in the North North West area
recap of last infos
#UkraineMap Image
2/ so as usual Ru attacked the north part of the area of #Bakhmut and even if they were stopped they are slightly progressing right now.
today was really "special" as my first tweet showed that Colonel General Олександр #Сирський explained the ongoing difficulties around Bakhmut
3/ but apparently it was all day long and with a lots of volume in specific areas like in the south of the city.
i had 3 diff very reliable reports, one one them from a commander. So today they did not try that much to attack from the north (river, more defense now, etc) or by
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