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Dec 31st 2018
One need not hold a brief for @dewamavhinga to realise how shocking, outrageous & unacceptable it is for Strive Masiyiwa to accuse Dewa of cyberbullying his wife; & top that by peddling his crap accusation on the Internet while name dropping, in the hope of costing Dewa his job!
1/24 The self-righteous outburst by #StriveMasiyiwa, supported by his fellow bible-quoting juntapreneurs, in response to a polite & genuine concern by @dewamavhinga reveals he holds himself as an untouchable who is beyond criticism. Yet his closet is full of despicable skeletons!
2/24 #StriveMasiyiwa has escaped scrutiny, thanks to Zimbabwe's flawed public discourse which has never been about facts, truth or ideas but about "good guys" versus "bad guys"; presumed to be such by definition, not by deed. So Zimbabwe, sadly, has no culture of truth-telling!
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