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Jan 23rd 2023
Happy Lunar New Year!
#Vancouver #Chinatown
Woot! @TransLink
Happy Lunar New Year!
Beautiful artwork #2023NewYear & interesting vintage '64 bus. 🤩 Kudos staff & ambassadors at the parade!…
@CanadianForces #Vancouver #ChinatownYVR #LunarNewYear…
Read 7 tweets
Jan 1st 2023
Majority might have their resolution for 2023 to find a stable job or at least to make their jobs stable. But my resolution of 2023 is to quit the stable job I already have. ✌️
#resolutions2023 #2023goals #2023NewYear
P.S: A stable job & pension are a curse. It drains out all the innovative drive and intellectual yearning. It makes addicted to mediocrity. It’s hard to stay motivated then. It's trading like the best years of life for a secure old age, which might not even come. 🤷‍♂️
No one will give a shit when you are old and retired.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
1/ #2022 is coming to an end and let's do our own review of the accounts that caught our interest in our first year on Twitter. (The beginning of the account was very difficult, but at the end of the year it seems to have found its way).
2/ We start with an account that supported us in the beginning, @serbiaireland. There you will find interesting and inventive views on various topics related to prehistoric and newer civilizations, mainly for the world of symbols and their decipherment. 👉
3/ An account that makes the difference with the videos it uploads on YouTube, but also with its books, is @DanDavisWrites. He is a leader in the depiction Prehistoric Eurasia, but also especially various events of the Late Bronze Age Collapse. 👉…
Read 12 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
7 Ways To Become A Smart Investor In 2023!

A Thread...🧵🧵
1 - Set a goal 🎯

Setting a goal helps you decide the next steps to take in order to generate wealth through investing.
2 - Start Early 💸

Starting early allows investors to take more risks and have an opportunity to earn better returns
Read 9 tweets

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