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May 26th 2020
Flight Lieutenant Otto #Altmann (later Wing Commander DSO, DFC)

A comparitive rarity - a German flying operationally for #BomberCommand!
(See photo - second right with, apparently, his Hampden aircrew.)
The story of Otto Altmann is interesting and yet frustrating.
He served as a pilot with #106Squadron when they flew Hampdens from @RAFConingsby and flew with distinction for the #RAF, rising to the rank of Wing Commander, but little detail is known of this extraordinary man.
This is an example of a research theme with which we'd be
...grateful for any further detail that could be provided by former comrades, family members or interested members of the public.
We know that Otto Altmann joined #106Sqn in March 1941 as a Flight Lieutenant and became considered as a senior pilot. He participated in the...
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