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Jan 10th 2020
Disappointing to see #trade only mentioned in relation to anti-dumping & level-playing field measures + 0 tariffs & quotas in @MichelBarnier speech. Surely negotiators could do better, even in 10 months. Industry will need more than that, on both sides @StefaanDeRynck 1/
0 tariffs & quotas is important but not sufficient. You need to ensure industry can actually benefit from it (Rules of origin!). Something @Kommerskoll knows something about... Considering how prod & #supplychains are integrated, industry needs + than bilateral cumulation 2/
For #customs, a bare min. is to seek to retain the UK in the EU safety & security zone so that entry & exit summary declarations are not required. That's in line with the EU security coop objective & is vital for accompanied roll-on roll-off (Dover-Calais, Dublin-Holyhead...) 3/
Read 12 tweets
Apr 29th 2018
1/n For those who missed out on #Mello2018 - have decided to compile some thoughts from the talks and the cos. Some very successful investors in attendance; investing is about stacking the odds in your favour (like poker) and repeatedly playing to leverage your edge.
2/n If you don’t have an edge then you’re liquidity for someone else who has one. Investing and trading require patience and to wait for the opportunity. Losses reduce both physical and mental capital. You need to play to win but if you lose all your capital you can’t play.
3/n Gervais Williams - lack of wage growth changing political and investing landscape. Tailwinds will become headwinds as rates potentially rise and productivity stagnates. Risk comes from real world. Imo we are drunk on cheap credit; previous tax shields will become burdens.
Read 24 tweets

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