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Dec 14th 2022
Picture Thread || Lionel Messi 🐐
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Dec 14th 2022
The advent of technology has taken the gaming world to another level. The growth of iGaming in recent years can be attributed to technological developments, rendering games exciting, accessible, and more lucrative. #ArgentinaVsCroatia #ARGCRO #AvatarTheWayOfWater Players now enjoy excellent graphics and amazing offers from the comfort of their homes without breaking a sweat.The advent of technology has had a significant impact on online slots no deposit free spins. Slot machines are the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks about iGaming. The fun and easy game has become the most popular online gaming creation. Since its invention in the 1890s, it has seen significant uplifts and has lived through generations.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
#ARGCRO (32.): Álvarez legt den Ball aus seiner Sicht rechts an Torwart Livaković vorbei, der aus seinem Tor geeilt ist und sich so groß und breit wie möglich macht, um den Ball abzuwehren. Álvarez will derweil links am Keeper vorbeilaufen. (1/8) #Qatar2022 🐘
Livaković verfehlt den Ball jedoch, spielt ihn also nicht, und das ist ein wesentlicher Punkt bei der Bewertung des Zweikampfs. Nun befindet er sich breitbeinig vor Álvarez, der keine Chance hat, ihm auszuweichen. (2/8) #Qatar2022 🐘
Álvarez bleibt in der natürlichen Laufbewegung mit dem Knie an Livakovićs ausgestelltem rechten Bein hängen und kommt zu Fall. Schiedsrichter Orsato wartet noch kurz ab, ob sich ein Vorteil ergibt, dann entscheidet er auf Strafstoß. (3/8) #Qatar2022 🐘
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Dec 12th 2022
Argentina v Croatia - Tactical Preview [Thread]

➡️ Croatia to dominate possession but Argentina wont mind
➡️ Litmus test for Gvardiol
➡️ How do Argentina deal with Croatia wide threat? 3-5-2 or 4-4-2?
➡️ Croatia's Aerial Threat

CC: @Effmatch

#FIFAWorldCup #Qatar2022 #ARGCRO Image
@Effmatch Croatia’s slow style of play may suit Argentina as the latter will look to play on the break. Croatia don’t have rapid players, so they’ll look to build up slowly to allow their players to get into dangerous positions. Argentina are likely to forgo indulging a possession battle.
@Effmatch Argentina struggled with Saudi Arabia's intensity in the opening game. A slow game would favour the Argentinians, who they themselves do not possess much pace in the side. Expect Fernandez and De Paul to hold their shape, blocking the supply lines to Kramaric. Image
Read 12 tweets
Jun 14th 2018
The 64 matches of the 2018 FIFA #WorldCup

A thread:

Match #1 | #RUS 5-0 #KSA

Match #2 | #EGY 0-1 #URU

Match #3 | #POR 3-3 #ESP

Read 63 tweets

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