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Nov 17th 2022
Amazon-Future Arbitration Dispute mentioned in #SupremeCourt

Sr Adv Gopal Subhramnium: the termination application preferred by Future was to be taken first. The application was fully heard by the three member tribunal and on June 28 it was dismissed.
Subhramanium: the amendability claims were heard and now we are going for final hearing in arbitration on Nov 28 and now Future says they have a expert and expert is not available since he will be at Fifa World Cup @ Doha. Even then tribunal is willing to hear it
Subramaniam: now plea has been filed before Delhi HC to terminate the arbitration proceedings by Future and we told HC that #SupremeCourt passed the order after granting leave.
Read 18 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
#SupremeCourt is hearing the plea by Amazon seeking to restrain Future Retail from alienating its assets. This is after stores of FRL were taken over by Reliance.
#AmazonVsFuture Image
Sr Adv Ranjit Kumar: there is a problem in 5 words. There was written let tribunal pass appropriate orders. they dont want appropriate

Sr Adv KV Vishwanathan: there is a different phraseology. It cannot be appropriate orders
CJI reading from memo..: Parties have agreed that they will approach arbitral tribunal and the tribunal will consider the application by the respondent and pass orders as it thinks fit.

Kumar: please see what they are objecting to.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
Supreme Court is hearing a petition filed by Amazon against Delhi HC order staying further arbitration proceedings before the Singapore Tribunal against Future Group

CJI NV Ramana: Let the arbitration start if you have no issues (To Sr Adv Harish Salve)
Sr Adv Salve for Future: I have already agreed yesterday .. Then this matter will end here today

Sr Adv Rohatgi: the entire dispute of division bench came up since our application was not taken up at the correct time

#SupremeCourt #AmazonvsFuture
Sr Adv Gopal Subramaniam: I have no problem if the tribunal takes up the Section 32 application first. but if the application is not entertained, then the final hearing should be completed. We need some interim protection

CJI: Seek the protection from Tribunal
Read 9 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
#SupremeCourt to hear plea by @amazon against the Delhi Hc order which stayed ongoing arbitration proceedings before an arbitral tribunal over Future Retail’s deal with Reliance.

SC had earlier stated it will hear the case after NCLAT has decided the CCI issue Image
CJI: How much time will NCLAT take?

Sr Adv Gopal Subhramanium for Amazon: It is going on now. But I have some submissions to make
Sr Adv Subramanium: under Section 16 (2)(b) arbitration agreement is independent. Amazon is a foreign investor, even if RIL or adani gets FDI all of us will be in same position. arbitration has to survive.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022
#SupremeCourt to hear Amazon's plea against the January 5 order of the Delhi High Court staying the ongoing arbitration proceedings before an arbitral tribunal over Future Retail's Rs 24,500-crore merger deal with Reliance @amazon @reliancegroup @FutureGroup
Sr Adv Gopal Subramanium: What a joy it is to be in court physically my Lord.
CJI: What is the status of the case?

Subramanium: Appeal is pending before NCLT. Pending that application has been filed to terminate arbitration proceedings. Evidence stage is over before the tribunal.
Read 23 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
#SupremeCourt to pronounce orders on Future Retail Ltd.’s plea seeking to proceed with securing the National Company Law Tribunal‘s approval for its Rs 27,513-crore transaction with Reliance Retail Ventures Ltd.  @amazon #AmazonVsFuture
Future Retail had told the court that the NCLT approval requires multiple steps which will take a few months and therefore the court should allow the process to continue
#AmazonVsFuture #SupremeCourt
This is the same case where the top court had denied permission to Amazon to file additional written statements after orders were reserved
Read 8 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
#SupremeCourt to hear an appeal by @amazon against a January 5 Division bench order of Delhi HC staying arbitration proceedings initiated by Amazon before a Singapore tribunal even when the tribunal proceedings were underway
Staying arbitration proceedings, the Division Bench stated there is a “prima facie case” in favour of the Future group companies in view of the Competition Commission of India (CCI) suspending its clearance given to Amazon’s 2019 deal with Future Coupons (FCPL) #AmazonvsFuture
CJI NV Ramana: sorry to say that papers have highlighted my observations. But future also wants to drag the matter. Anyways issue notice and list it next week #AmazonVsFuture
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