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The #RegentHoneyeater is one of Australia’s most #CriticallyEndangered birds. There are <350 birds left in the wild. For >20y, Taronga has been #ConservationBreeding an insurance population. Since 2008, >300 birds have been released to bolster wild populations. #ScienceWeek
#RegentHoneyeaters are in decline due to threats from #habitatloss and degradation. #Drought, #bushfire, competition, and now even the precariously small size of the remaining population all pose risks to the species’ survival.
Our team of #RegentHoneyeater keepers are experts in #ConservationBreeding these amazing birds. Here specialist keeper Kara Stevens explains our progress at Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo.
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Another flagship and large collaborative #ConservationBreeding project that Taronga is involved in concerns the #CriticallyEndangered #PlainsWanderer, a bird that few people have probably heard of and even fewer have seen. #ScienceWeek
The #PlainsWanderer has no living close relative, which places it top of the @EDGEofExistence list. Remnant populations of this small ground-dwelling bird are mostly in Victoria, eastern South Australia and in the western Riverina region of NSW.
Though excellently camouflaged, #PlainsWanderer are just the right size to be eaten by invasive foxes. Taronga is working with @ZoosVictoria to establish an insurance population & recently built a #ConservationBreeing facility at Taronga Western Plains Zoo #sanctuary, #Dubbo.
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Managed breeding is vital for #CriticallyEndangered Sumatran #rhino, with <80 in the wild. Assisting the Government of Indonesia, a global alliance of #conservation organisations & experts, Taronga is part of the effort to bring them back from the brink Image
Taronga’s vets & reproductive biologists assist Indonesian experts with best practice husbandry and veterinary care that includes state-of-the-art reproductive assessments & sperm biobanking efforts #SumatranRhinoRescue Image
The recent @IUCN Green Status assessment provides hope for substantial recovery of #SumatranRhino populations through sustained #conservation efforts & technology to aid #rhino reproduction.…
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#ChristmasIsland #reptiles are another great ARWH case study this #ScienceWeek. Lister's #gecko and the blue-tailed #skink only exist in captivity (only ~1000 of each!) after environmental pressures sent them #ExtinctInTheWild. #WildlifeHealth Image
When astute rangers at breeding facilities on #ChristmasIsland noticed some of the #lizards were dying, the species was left literally on the brink of #extinction. #WildlifeHealth
Working with @Parks_Australia, Jess Agius, @Sydney_Uni and others, the team were able to identify a novel bacteria, Enterococcus lacertideformus, and show the widespread infection of multiple reptile species on the island. #WildlifeHealth…
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1/9 We are excited to announce our paper in collaboration with @ElasmoProject that documents #sawfish decline in #SriLanka. The full paper is available at:… Image
2/9 Our team conducted 300 interviews in 2019 across Sri Lanka exploring the ecological knowledge of sawfishes and assessing the status of these @IUCNRedList #CriticallyEndangered species. Image
3/9 The common local names for sawfish are "Dathi mora" in Sinhala and "Vela" or "Iluppa" in Tamil. While these species had no significant cultural value, some fishers donated sawfish rostra to churches for good luck.
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Today is the 4th #AmphibianWeek day and the theme is:

Threats to #Amphibians

Create your own publication about it and tag us, so we can share it!

Follow this thread to learn more about today's topic! Image
According to the @IUCNRedList of Threatened Species, amphibians are the most #threatened animal group, with 33 species currently listed as #Extinct, 587 as #CriticallyEndangered, 965 as #Endangered, 650 as #Vulnerable, and 375 as #NearThreatened. Image
With over 40% of all amphibian species threatened with extinction, many people and organisations around the world dedicate their lives to protect them. Image
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