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Aug 11th 2022
🚨New paper alert 🚨

I'm excited to announce that our open-access paper "The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979" is now out in @CommsEarth:…

#ArcticAmplification #Arctic

Thread of the main results:

We report that the Arctic has warmed four times faster than the globe in the last 43 years.

The four-fold Arctic amplification (AA) ratio is higher than what is generally reported in literature and media.

One reason for the higher ratio is that we defined the Arctic properly (with the Arctic Circle, 66.5°N), and calculated the trends since 1979 when satellite data became available.

With these parameters, the observed AA ratio is 3.7-4.1, depending slightly on the dataset.

Read 13 tweets
Oct 8th 2020
1/21 #ISTC20 #Sesh9
Hi shorebird folks! 1more4U2go! Migratory shorebirds connect. Movements, presence & phenotypes signal the state of habitats. Let's develop tracked individual migratory birds as sentinels (of connected parts) of Earth. #ornithology #globalchange @WaderStudy
2/21 #ISTC20 #Sesh9
Recently, 100 units of fossil energy produced 104 energy units of food, thanks soil-based processes. Now, 100 units fossil energy yield 16 food units, the 84% loss equals release of CO2 & active nitrogen threatening climate & biodiversity. #globalchange #dairy
3/21 #ISTC20 #Sesh9
Looking at scale of a country then, steep decline of specialized #dairy #farmland #wader, black-tailed #godwit (#grutto) in Netherlands signals growth of unsustainable, climate & biodiversity threatening, practices in agriculture. #globalchange @WaderStudy
Read 14 tweets

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