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Most recents (6)

Sep 7th 2022
When I called out hate campaign against #ArshdeepSingh, BJP member Manjinder Sirsa in-turn loged a complainant against me alleging that I worked with Pak agency & used screenshot of Pakistan bots.
Thread exposing his claim 👇
2. In this debate, Sirsa alleges that I made a collage in 2 mins, He says, Pak handlers shared this tweets to me on WhatsApp & I've just used them. He claims all these are bot accounts & none from India. The anchor later says it's up to Zubair to explain.
He says, "He tweeted the collage within 2-3 mins, How's it possible to do it within mins, He was getting WhatsApp frm his handlers in Pakistan" 🤡
Fact: Arshdeep dropped catch at 11:05 PM & I tweeted at 12:05 AM.
For an expert in this field, it hardly takes 10-15 mins to do this
Read 17 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
Now that we have established Pakistan's role in the #arshdeepsingh issue, it's time to expose the inhuman face of Pakistan's deep state.

Do you know that Pakistan is facing its worst calamity in history?

But Pak establishment is busy running Propaganda.

A Thread 👇
The people of Pakistan are suffering from the flood.

▪️Children are starving
▪️Several diseases have broken out

While citizens are expecting relief, their government is busy running propaganda campaign against #India. 2/n
At places where the Pak govt is showing their relief work for cheap publicity it is of such an inferior quality that they serve their people with cements & stones instead of actual wheat. 3/n Image
Read 10 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
The role of two AAP Rajya Sabha MP Harbhajan Singh and Raghav Chadha is very dubious in the matter of Pakistani propaganda.

The tweet came from Harbhajan Singh just after a few minutes of catch drop.
K word was not even in trend at that time. How does he get to know about it?
Has anyone instructed him for a tweet or does he have so much time to check and read comments on social media?
Even after propaganda is exposed, Raghav Chadha is trying so hard to make it an issue, how exactly Pakistan wants it!

He has done a tweet in Punjabi. Just read the translation.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
Another #IndiavsPakistan high voltage clash in #AsiaCup2022 & another orchestrated disinformation from across the border!

Several Indian players targeted, but #ArshdeepSingh was specifically picked to render the #Khalistani agenda to gaslight the Indians.

To the world it was made to look that Indian accounts pushed the narrative but in reality, conspiracy was cultivated by Pakistan’s Zaid Hamid and fact Checker @zoo_bear that pushed the narrative.

To understand how this disinformation propaganda unfolded, we pulled two sets of tweets on keywords #indvspak #pakvsind #asiacup and ‘arshdeep’ & ‘Khalistan’; all used during the game, right from the 1st ball till the Pakistan's winning moment.

Read 13 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
Indian cricketer #ArshdeepSingh dropped a catch in the final moments of #IndVsPak

Soon Pakistani ISI bots & SFJ stooges started targeting #Arshdeep calling him #Khalistani
Similar propaganda was run by Pakistanis against Mohammad Shami during the T20 World cup.
A Thread 👇
When India lost to Pakistan in T20 world cup Pakistan deliberately targeted Indian player Mohammed Shami so as to fuel their narrative that Shami was targeted because of his religion

This info war to target Shami was started by Pakistan Strategic Forum & its followers.
Similarly, this time Arshadeep Singh was targeted again because of his religion so that it can be used for ISI’s narrative.

Most of the handles calling Arshadeep Khalistani are from Pakistan pretending as Indian just like the Shami saga.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
A deep/insightful thread on the trending of #Khalistan and Khalistan-related tweets following #Arshdeepsingh's drop catch last night in the #INDvsPAK #AsiaCupT20 game.
The key to looking at these trends is to see the initial 2-3 hours period and where the mention of #Khalistan originated from.

I'm only going to post the factual analysis here, the readers can come to their own conclusions based on them, or not.
I started out by analyzing tweets only between the time Arshdeep dropped the catch and until the next few hours when the topics #Khalistani and #arshdeepsingh were trending.
Read 14 tweets

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