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Aug 18th 2020
Tuesday, 18th August 2020

#Moon will be transiting #Ashleshanakshatra today. #Ashlesha nakshatra is known for all negative traits due to its association with nagas and complex energy it holds. Ashlesha is in reality a clinging nakshatra whose energy is very deep. As nagas have Image
mystical powers, people having major planets here can have extraordinary powers to heal too. Also as it is ruled by #mercury according to Vimshottari Dasha scheme, mind games and analytical thinking both are part of this nakshatra.It has an inherent energy of going
deep to analyse situations but it is upto you if you uses the power of this energy positively or negatively.

Also,Ashlesha has power to transform you.As snakes shed their old skin and reclaim a new makeup, you may have to undergo pain in your life and embrace
Read 5 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
22 July 2020- GKM Astro Quote

The nakshatra operating during today morning is #Ashlesha. This #nakshatra is deeply connected with the serpents and Nagas. Many people who are facing severe afflictions related to #Ashleshanakshatra should visit Kukke Shri Subramanian temple in Image
Karnataka on the day when moon transits Ashlesha.

In this temple, Lord Kartikeya preside as a naga. There is ritual performed here known as Ashlesha Bali which makes us free from the malefic influences of this nakshatra. This nakshatra is generally not considered good but it
has many unique qualities such as a person possess rare analytical skills and mystical talents.

Don't indulge your mind in frustrations and enemity, rather chant the name of Hari to free yourself from all afflictions. Do listen to Vishnu Sahasranama in evening today!
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