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Dec 13th 2018
INEC Bent on Rigging for GMB: IDPs in Nigeria have no certifiable/certified identity documents. There are over 14.7 million IDPs between Nigeria & it's borders with Chad, Niger and Cameroun. Now they will use them to perpetuate themselves in power! #Atrocious #NeverAgain
A ruler that will sacrifice the physical and emotional well being of his citizens, balkanize the security institutions to serve his personal interest in oppressing opposition and treat his people as pawns just to stay in power needs to be stopped. @USEmbassyAbuja #NeverAgain
We will turn up the heat on the @NGRSenate @HouseNGR @bukolasaraki @YakubDogara if this madness is not nipped in the bud. Nigeria is in ruins under this unconscionable administration yet they seem not to know the limit. #ThisEndsNow
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