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May 4th 2022
There are different views about a recent incident in #Attan near #Massoud's grave.
Few facts:
1. Those performed Attan, were not #Taliban. They were youths, mainly from south of #AFG, on a sightseeing tour in Panjshir. For sure, few Taliban also joined the Attan... ImageImageImageImage
2. #Taliban (as a religious and hardliner movement) are against any type of dance including Attan.
3. The Attan location was hundreds meter away from the grave of #Massoud& as said by some commenters, that Attan was not the 1st dance there.

To be clear, Attan in that specific..., with or without purpose, was not a good move and it should be criticized.
But making that Attan an issue for provoking ethnic tensions, is even worse. ImageImageImageImage
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