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Jan 7th 2021
Hey, @Facebook , why are u allowing this domestic terrorist, who participated in breaching our nations Capital (as shown in video below), to continue hosting page(s) on ur svc as "realbakedalaska" & possibly more (priv. pg's et al)!?
WUA, @DHSgov ? He been arrested yet??????????? Him an ALL his comerades who went with/in the vid???
Hey, @tiktok_us , you going to allow him to remain on your svc, too (see video above!๐Ÿ˜ก) ???
#DomesticTerrorism ImageImageImageImage
Read 30 tweets
Jan 1st 2021
Daily Reminder: Joe Biden is NOT the President-Elect
2020 was not America's "Finest Hour" as I had hoped back in 2019.โ€ฆ
Our elected officials failed us...with the notable exception of @realDonaldTrump. Our legal system failed us...with possible exception of Judge Kevin Elsenheimer despite his protective order. Our traditional media deceived really notable exceptions here except @LouDobbs.
There are reasons for hope.
People are putting their faith in God not man. Churches are now open that had been closed. Every night for past 57 days, hundreds of people have been praying together at 9pm from all over the nation for God's guidance and protection.
Read 7 tweets

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