Hey, @Facebook , why are u allowing this domestic terrorist, who participated in breaching our nations Capital (as shown in video below), to continue hosting page(s) on ur svc as "realbakedalaska" & possibly more (priv. pg's et al)!?
Well well well. R u listening, @DHSgov , @FBI ?? @parler_app is blatantly ALLOWING these domestic terrorists, who attacked our nations Capital, to spread & fuel their domestic terror riddled violence & hate on their service!😡 #insurrection#DomesticTerrorism#ArrestThemNow
The same mo. he stops posting on 1 accnt, the PRIV. 1 opens🤔 Methinks theres a plethora of criminal crap on there, up to &including things frm their attack on our nations Capitol. @parler_app MUST B HELD ACCOUNTABLE! @DHSgov @FBI #insurrection#DomesticTerrorism#ArrestThemNow
.@FBI : @parler_app & @myWickr , @Facebook & @OfficialDLive r being used by these guys as noted above☝ &BLATANTLY in his Parler comments👇
to spread hate & organize more violent uprisings!
& Y havent they been arrested!? #insurrection#FBI
🚨 Video showing particiants & the horrific atrocities committed,
**warning - graphic**
w/ 👉ELECTED OFFICIALS participating👈
in the attack on our nation's Capitol! #ArrestThemAllNow , @FBI !😡
Vid: #ArrestTrumpNow #insurrection
Its getting more and more dangerous, @FBI@SecretService . Actual threatening of lives.
On Parler.
Thats still allowed to operate & foster hate, violence, & #insurrection#DomesticTerrorism against our democracy!😡
👇Read the screenshots shes posted👇
And yet ANOTHER person participating in #DomesticTerrorism , who streamed herself & her friends breaking into our nations Capitol on @Facebook Live! You gonna DO anything, Facebook? @FBI@FBIWFO ??? 😒😡
🚨 RECON for #CapitolRiots: EXPOSED!
Brazen violation of Nat. Security by MEMBERS OF CONGRESS 😡
Brave Armed Svs.Committee member realized afterward what'd been done, & made this vid.
I 👏 her courage for coming fwd!🥰 @FBI@FBIWFO@TheJusticeDept@DHSgov
@ScottyAGregory1@nypost Okay. I agree 100% re: protesting w/o stabbing any1. Again: all I said was that w/their global threat&declaration it is 0 surprise to me that this happened. Sympathy and Empathy are 2 VERY different things. They do not "=" one another as u said.
@ScottyAGregory1@nypost I sympahize for humanity. I sympathize for the ppl PB's threatened: anti-Trump voters. I NEVER mentioned race, only that they ARE a HATE group.
But if you must know...
@ScottyAGregory1@nypost I EMPATHIZE with POC. 2 of my brautiful Granddaughters r mixed. Ive witness 1st hand the HATE towards my daughter AND them. I grew up in the 60s and 70s. My parents were racist. Its just "how it was" back then. I, otoh, did NOT see skin color. Mucn 2 my parents chagrin. (cont'd)
@HannaIsle@AAPD@NDRNadvocates 2nd: I lost my leg. Ur preching 2 the choir re: therapy. I see a therapist & kno ALL abt restrictions re: # of times p/mo. theyll pay for phys therapy. In 2012-13 it was 4 visits p/yr. I needed at least 3x p/WEEK.
@HannaIsle@AAPD@NDRNadvocates B4 I lost my leg I was going to PT once p/wk for my back. Every mo. Id have to have my Dr send in a PRE-AUTH so I cld continue. It wasnt that difficult to do. & u DONT 'have' 2go2 a substandard facility. I went to a well known sports medicine PT facility.
@HannaIsle@AAPD@NDRNadvocates What it takes is EFFORT on the Medicaid recipients part, tenacity (ie: making sure u kno the dates & stay in touch w/ ur Dr), & the DESIRE TO HEAL URSELF. #Medicaid isnt a "kick bk & everything will be done FOR u" form of Insurance. Even Private insurance req's effort
requirements for coverage of mental health services & habilitation services for people w/intellectual & developmental disabilities, expansion of home & community-based services options, protections against disability discrimination, and
(thread 2) #MentalHealthAwareness@AAPD
expansion of the reach of mental health parity are essential to the health, independence, & self-sufficiency of Americans w/disabilities.