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Jun 20th 2022
"There are legitimate situations where an autistic person needs to be able to put their autistic behaviours aside. For example, how about a job interview"--Bruce McIntosh

🤮… "There are legitimate situations where an autistic pers
Me: "Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot to leave my autism at home for our job interview. Here, let me stick it in my purse, so as to make you more comfortable interacting with me, regardless of my actual qualifications for this job."
"put their autistic behaviours aside".

They're not "autistic behaviours", they're *human* behaviours from an Autistic human being. There is a difference: autism is our *neurology*. Being Autistic impacts one's entire brain & body. We can't just "set it aside" like an accessory.
Read 11 tweets
May 3rd 2019
Hanging out daydreaming (lolz) in the sleep and circadian panel session at #INSAR2019 #circadianrhythms #sleepwakecycle #timeisasocialconstruct #exceptwhenitsbiobasedandinyourbody #sleepdependent
Sleep in those with Tuberous sclerosis have changed in the mTOR pathway that can make or brake translation of protein synthesis. Turns out that causes wonky circadian rhythms. AND changing BMAL1 ("a core clock driver") levels got sleep cycles back in order.
Now Olivia Veatch on genetics of sleep in #autism. #genesgenesgenes or as @amandaseales would say #denimondenimondenim #ha
Read 26 tweets

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