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Jan 25th 2021
The typical savings bank will be abolished. When you can create 50-100% APY a month vs 1.5 % a year than you can finally see that #passiveincome can actually generate enough to quit your job. I'll share details below, before i get reported again for "suspicious

#Bepswap #rune
1st off you'll have to buy a few coins. Now this isn't a magic money machine { tho it feels like it ]. A good equation [ but not perfect ] is the following [ when using my strategy ]

Every 10k generates 1000 - 3000 a month. Ill show you exactly how im doing this

#Bepswap #rune
1st you'll have to understand that adding liquidity into coins that don't have a decent amount of foot traffic / or are not going to rise in price in the next few months will definitely not work out the best ,and even in those cases you do better than just hodling
#Bepswap #rune
Read 8 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
There are 3 ways of making money with #crypto. Trading, hodling and providing liquidity. The latter is like an evolutionary step to both trading and hodling.

Thread πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»#bitcoin #DeFi
LPing is like filling a pool with water and getting some of it back everytime someone adds more water to it. The more water you added the more you’re getting back over time. #BEPSwap by @thorchain_org is a perfect example for such a liquidity pool.
The β€žwaterβ€œ in #BEPSwap consists of trading pairs like $RUNE / $BNB. $RUNE is the base asset of every @thorchain_org pool which is used to bond the counterpart as an exact match in USD-value. So by adding 50 $BNB you need to add the equivalent in $RUNE too.
Read 8 tweets

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