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Nov 1st 2022
This Twitter thread explains how the #evolution of even the primitive election #FPTF system still used in too many elections can be guided to produce a much more democratic election system, through the accumulation of simple changes.
#BRAMYIR offers the benefits of #ApprovalVoting, #ScoreVoting, & #RankedChoiceVoting, plus the benefit of a balanced ballot, while encouraging honest voting & discouraging attempts to game the system with dishonest strategic voting such as votes for the mere lesser of two evils.
It's easy to improve on the common single faceted first past the post voting system, and it's easy to make positive changes add up to positive evolution. #RankedChoiceVoting is an improvement, we can do better then that with the simple removal of a single voting restriction.
Read 59 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
🔥 #BRAMYIR stands for Balanced Ranked Approval Maximum Yield Instant Runoff. It's a powerful and easy to use hybrid voting system which allows votes directly for or directly against any number of competing candidates. For more details, please continue reading… 🐦
#BRAMYIR offers the benefits of #ApprovalVoting, #ScoreVoting, & #RankedChoiceVoting, plus the benefit of a balanced ballot, while encouraging honest voting & discouraging attempts to game the system with dishonest strategic voting such as votes for the mere lesser of two evils.
#BRAMYIR is similar to #StarVoting in that it is calculated using scores rather than ranks and looks at all scores in the first round, but unlike #StarVoting this process is repeated with the remaining candidates for as many rounds as it takes.
Read 46 tweets

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