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Feb 7th 2019
#kleptocracy is a name we need to use more. Let's call the Trump admin what it is. Trump has proven NAMING someone or something has a lot of power. Witness Sen. Elizabeth Warren stumbling early in her race because Trump named her *Pocahontas.*

@TrickFreee @WillBenton1
Witness the power of the names, "Fake News." "Crooked Hillary," etc. You can't deny the power of *naming* our foe or the actions of our foe. #Kleptocracy isn't used enough-it isn't even a recognized hash tag when you type it into a tweet. Let's get it trending. #IndictTrump
#Kleptocracy Paul Erickson, a Republican political operative & boyfriend of accused Russian spy Maria Butina, was indicted in the federal court in SD on 11 counts of wire fraud and money laundering. #Erickson
Read 13 tweets
Jun 5th 2018
🔥Manic Monday🔥

Trump is rage tweeting delusions - believes he is omnipotent.🙄

SCOTUS is likely ready to weigh in on whether POTUS can be indicted.

Manafort caught tampering with witnesses - Gates?

Fall 16, @ TT DonJr met with Zeneca, CEO of an Intelligence Firm - Wikistrat
🔥Manic Monday2🔥

Remember Manafort picked Pence.

SM deems 162 items of almost 300,000 netted in the Cohen raid non privileged. 💣

Is Trumps obsession re building a Southern Wall a distraction from the tons of stuff the mob is smuggling into the US via Canada? #WhiteFish MT
🔥Manic Monday3🔥

#BananaRepublic Cruz speechless re legal opine re Trump’s opine, but wrote a 52 pg screed falsely acusing PBO.🙄

Trump owes Puerto Rico $33m after golf club bankruptcy

Trump dev’ing propaganda news distributing agency. Alt R trolls threaten to ‘brick’ Journos
Read 60 tweets

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