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Oct 8th 2022
“Chapter 15,” titled “Creating a Totalitarian Mind:

“Recipe for The Matrix: Misinformation, Repetition, Impoverishment”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(publishing 10/2022)…

CW22Q 15/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website now & being published Oct '22)

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... #Midterms #Evangelicals #ClassWar #BlueWave #Republicans #FBR #resist

CW22Q 15/2
[Quotes/highlights:] “Money—as arrayed against music, passion, & social movements—is especially more powerful in a situation where the people have been put in financial jeopardy because of the prosperity of the rich.”

THREAD…… #Midterms #BLM

CW22Q 15/3
Read 97 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
"Hutchinson testified to hearing Trump order the magnetometers (metal detectors) used to keep armed people away from the president be removed:

“I don’t fucking care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me... Let my people in."

The car thing is not as important as the fact that:

and said:

"I don’t f-ing care that they have weapons.
They're not here to hurt ME.
Take the f-ing mags [magnetometers] away.
Let MY people in…"

"Trump’s order to “take the fucking mags away,” whether or not the Secret Service obeyed it, was not constitutionally protected political speech but, rather, an overt act, sandwiched between sentences reflecting awareness & intent..."

#Jan6thInsurrection… Image
Read 9 tweets
Jul 24th 2021

1. Robert Mueller made clear that he believed that trump was guilty of crimes RE: the Russian Investigation

2. He clearly stated that once trump was no longer President he could be prosecuted
3. He stated that because of the narrow scope of his investigation as per the DOJ he couldn’t pursue further crimes

4. Garland should appoint Mueller as Special Counsel again & given a larger scope to investigate trump & company further as it relates to the Russian debacle
5. We now know Mueller can charge trump as per his current findings so let me expand on my earlier comment. Mueller didn’t indite only based on his belief a sitting President can’t be charged with criminal acts while holding office

6. trump no longer holds office
Read 5 tweets
Jul 8th 2021
Let's list why...
Inciting an insurrection that got people killed including Ashli Babbitt?
Paying off film hookers he raw dogged while married?
Grifting off fed $$ by diverting service ppl to his bed bug hotel & triple charged the tax payers for??
For extorting Ukraine?
Rape? (many including a 13 year old)
Pressuring election officials to steal an election?
Tax cheating?
Scamming ppl w fake Trump U?
Lying about his assets to get loans?
Stiffing & bankrupting dozens of small businesses he refused to pay?
For using illegal labor & poverty wages to build the ugly tower?
For refusing to rent to ppl of color, property he used govt funds to build?
For lying to the American ppl for months about covid-19 & letting 550k die?
Read 6 tweets
Jul 7th 2021

Tax expert Donald Trump is about to go through some things. #IndictTrump
Please consider retweeting and chipping in at the link in this video to help fund our critical efforts in these off year elections. Grassroots donors like you make all of our work possible!…
Watch and share #IndictTrump on all platforms:



Read 4 tweets
Jun 15th 2021
🔥The Manhattan DA’s office appears to have entered the final stages of a CRIMINAL tax investigation into Trump’s long-time CFO Allen Weisselberg, who could face charges this summer.

Weisselberg knows Trump's financial dirt. If he rolls, Trump is TOAST.😎…
A grand jury has been hearing evidence about Weisselberg, who is facing major scrutiny, as prosecutors are trying to flip him to get his cooperation with a broad investigation into Trump and Trump Org.

And prosecutors have Weisselberg’s personal #TaxReturns.🧐

The probe of Weisselberg focuses partly on whether he failed to pay taxes on valuable TAXABLE benefits that Trump gave him & his family: apartments, leased cars, tens of thousands of dollars in private school tuition for at least 1 of his grandchildren.…
Read 11 tweets
Jun 15th 2021
#SHOCKER (not): before Trump announced that Bill Barr would step down as AG, Trump began pressuring Barr’s eventual replacement to have the @TheJusticeDept take up his FALSE claims of election “fraud.”

Trump’s emails (via his assistant) to incoming AG Jeffrey Rosen show how Trump corruptly pressured Rosen to put DOJ’s power behind bogus lawsuits that had *already failed* to try to prove his false claims that extensive voter fraud had affected the election results.🤬
Time and time again, Trump flouted an established anticorruption norm that DOJ acts independently of the WH on criminal investigations or law enforcement actions.

Instead, Trump used and abused DOJ for his own gain, whether politically or to protect him and his cronies.🤬
Read 4 tweets
Jun 9th 2021
🔥The @BostonGlobe Editorial Board calls on @TheJusticeDept to prosecute Trump CRIMINALLY: Saving American democracy for the long run requires a clear condemnation of the Trump presidency. That means making clear that no one is above the law.

“After the precedent-busting, lawbreaking presidency of Donald Trump, Congress needs to pass new laws to constrain future officeholders...Presidents also need a clear message, one that will echo through history, that breaking the law in the Oval Office will actually be punished.”
“In the case of Trump, prosecutors would have plenty of potential crimes...what is most important are his actions during his time in office, especially those after the 2020 election, which culminated in fomenting a full-on, violent assault on American democracy.”

Read 5 tweets
Aug 1st 2019

* Felon & unindicted co-conspirator conspires with Russia to steal the Presidency,
* gives away classified info to Kislyak & Lavrov privately—ALONE
* spends 2 hours with Putin—ALONE
* grants top security clearance to family grifters...
* spends Fed monies on self-enriching trips to Mar-a-Lago et al...
* undisclosed tax returns + inauguration foreign $$,
* Ivanka STILL has her ™️ for voting equipment & ZERO investigation,
* #HumanRightsViolations at the border—10 DEAD CHILDREN,
* constant RACISM...
...influencing increased hate crimes,
* constant LIE after LIE after LIE, betraying, manipulating & confusing the public,
* gutting necessary Federal departments/agencies to our detriment,
* conspiring with #MoscowMitch to obstruct DEM-bent legislation,
* lying to Mueller...
Read 7 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
1/ The testimony of multiple credible witnesses, documents resulting from subpoenas & Trump's own Tweets have created a huge body of evidence of Trump's criminality before & after he became president. Now's the time to INDICT Trump. READ HOW! #IndictTrump #ImpeachIndictVoteBlue
2/ Three things can end the Trump presidency: if he's INDICTED, impeached or voted out in 2020 by everyone voting Blue. The most immediate path is INDICTMENT for federal & state crimes the evidence of which is abundant. This thread addresses INDICTMENT of a sitting president.
3/ Despite whatever the GOP and the MSM say the following is true and correct: (1) The Constitution does not prohibit INDICTMENT; (2) No law prohibits INDICTMENT; (3) No DOJ written rule prohibits INDICTMENT; & (4) No formal written DOJ policy prohibits INDICTMENT.
Read 39 tweets
Mar 30th 2019

to grab 'em by the pussy
to mock a disabled reporter
to shoot tear gas at asylum seekers
to cover up adultery
to commit fraud against the U.S.
to shut down the Government
to lock kids in cages
to fake a national emergency
to have secret meetings w/ Putin

to hide the Mueller report
to threaten the free press
to disseminate conspiracy theories
to defund education
to increase taxes on the poor + middle class
to say Neo-Nazis are good people too
to do nothing re: Gun violence
to leave the Paris agreement

to host Russians w/ election dirt during a U.S. Presidential campaign
to commit tax fraud
to commit election fraud
to commit inauguration funding fraud
to install a Muslim ban
to call Mexicans "rapists"
to call poor countries "shithole"
to create fake news
Read 18 tweets
Mar 2nd 2019
Indictment THEN Impeachment?

Congress won't Impeach til they've got the Senate votes but GOP is sticking HARD to the party line
But if SDNY or DOJ INDICT Trump WHILE he's in office
enough GOP Senators may be forced to impeach a President who's an indicted criminal
I believe Congress is working to show the American Public EVIDENCE that Trump's a criminal to try & force GOP Senators to vote to impeach
In private I think Chucks tracking the Senate votes & as soon as he has the votes he'll tell Nancy & they'll start impeachment proceedings
In parallel to Congress working to Impeach
WE THE PEOPLE must put pressure on the SDNY to INDICT Trump
No Criminal is ABOVE THE LAW
ESPECIALLY if he's President of the United States
Trump may have corrupted the DOJ
But SDNY needs to step up & ignore the memo

Read 3 tweets
Feb 7th 2019
#kleptocracy is a name we need to use more. Let's call the Trump admin what it is. Trump has proven NAMING someone or something has a lot of power. Witness Sen. Elizabeth Warren stumbling early in her race because Trump named her *Pocahontas.*

@TrickFreee @WillBenton1
Witness the power of the names, "Fake News." "Crooked Hillary," etc. You can't deny the power of *naming* our foe or the actions of our foe. #Kleptocracy isn't used enough-it isn't even a recognized hash tag when you type it into a tweet. Let's get it trending. #IndictTrump
#Kleptocracy Paul Erickson, a Republican political operative & boyfriend of accused Russian spy Maria Butina, was indicted in the federal court in SD on 11 counts of wire fraud and money laundering. #Erickson
Read 13 tweets
Jan 20th 2019
1/ Day 30 of Trump's shutdown: Gov't workers are suffering. Trump's winning by blaming Dems for not negotiating. BuzzFeed nailed Trump for directing Cohen in illegal acts. Then Mueller made his first mistake & now both have egg on their faces. Trump wins. Enough! Resisters Unite!
Read 14 tweets
Jan 2nd 2019
So, thinking out loud here... (see thread for sources)

1. Most Christians consider Jesus' reference to the temple rising in three days is metaphor for his body, and the term "measure" is in reference to John being advised to do a self-check on his spiritual health/wholeness
2. Evangelicals, however, believe the temple refers to a physical entity.
3. Evangelicals have pumped 10s of millions into Israeli settlement.
4. Some Israelis have joined forces with evangelicals relevant to building temple.
5. At least one potential project mentions commencement of temple build in 2019.
6. Third temple means the end time and rapture are coming, something expected in the new millennium
7. Rapture is for Christians who will be in Israel and swept into Heaven when Jesus comes
Read 18 tweets
Dec 17th 2018
The argument that a criminal president should not be indicted rests on the premise that it would destabilize the government and interfere with the president fulfilling his constitutional duties. Trump has destabilized the government already and he's attacked the Constitution.
For a criminal sitting president who has held himself above the law, indicting @realDonaldTrump would help restore the rule of law and, through his removal, would help restore political stability.
Arguing that indicting Trump would impede him fulfilling his duties overlooks how often he neglects his duties to advance his own self-interests.
Read 15 tweets
Dec 13th 2018
Anyone notice over the last 3 months how legal pundits have backed off their line @TheJusticeDept "can't indict a sitting POTUS"?? You don't have to be a scholar to know the difference between the legal terms "shouldn't" and "can't."
GOP led @TheJusticeDept
Can’t? • Shouldn’t? • Or won’t #IndictTrump?
“Special Counsel regs (which I helped draft)..permit departures from DOJ policy. Mueller can seek a departure from policy & obtain permission to indict Trump...such a departure may be granted by Acting AG”
Russiapublican Justice – Above the Law
This begs questions about GOP’s Rosenstein:
• Where did he get the authority to frank Trump’s crimes?
• Which crimes will he NOT frank? Bank robbery? Murder? Campaign felonies? Insurrection conspiracy with foreign governments?
Read 3 tweets

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