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Apr 8th 2020
@abasitpak1 Seen your latest fulminations on @newsonepk Basit. So, let me get this straight: you can say former PM Nawaz Sharif hurt Pakistan's imperatives in its relations with its number One bugbear; you can give out his Appointments Diary during his visit to Delhi; you can 2/
2/ VERBATIM tell the World your conversations as High Commissioner (Allah be praised) to India with the then Prime Minister of this good country; you can name names Re: visas which should be a Confidential matter; you can suggest without any proof whatsoever that the machinery 3/
3/ in the PM's family's sugar mills was Indian; you can actually suggest dark doings between our PM and certain Indian citizens and you expect Nawaz Sharif's friends NOT to call you a #Besharam and a #Beghairat and a #Backbiting #Snake. Actually Basit, since you Live and 4/
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