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May 9th 2023
ICYMI: US busts open #Russia|n malware used to help #Moscow spy in + 50 countries

@NSAGov @FBI @CISA w/#Britain #Australia #Canada #NewZealand announced Thursday they ID's the code behind the #FSB's #Snake Malware…
.@NSAGov describes the #Snake malware as "a sophisticated #Russia|n cyberespionage tool"

"The FSB has victimized industries including education institutions, small businesses, & media organizations" per @NSAGov statement
"Critical infrastructure sectors, such as local government, finance, manufacturing, and telecommunications, have also been impacted" by #Russia's FSB's #Snake malware, per @NSAGov
Read 5 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
Prana rekhā #lifeline #jyotisa rules #mercury #Juiter #snake curse in hand #longevity devī’s grace
The prana rekhā starts from mercury and goes till the mount of Jupiter.
🦜Jupiter is prana & rules akas. It is wrongly called heartline in western palmistry
🦜 It starts from Image
mercury. Mercury is bookish knowledge, maths, vocabulary, memory etc. The purpose of life is to evolve above this base education and move to spiritual knowledge. Hence the lines start below Mercury.
🦜Chains, islands on this line will end the life early if visible in both hands.
Usually, Jupiter is afflicted in certain way in the chart and Saturn is strong in negative way.
🦜serpentine movement of this line indicates Rāhu afflicting Jupiter and person suffers from naga dośa
🦜If the line is cut from another line specially from mars the person loses
Read 7 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
The Kiss of Death

26 years have passed since the bizarre incident but it is still afresh in the memory. In the blistering heat of May 99, in the middle of Kargil War, Lance Dafedar Hari Ram of Indian Army’s Armoured Corps was forward deployed somewhere in d mighty Thar Desert+
Thar Desert of Rajasthan. Hari Ram’s Sentry duty was till 12 o’clock, midnight. Those days, every soldier in the Desert carried a Desi water bottle made of thick cotton cloth – locally known as “मशक”. It kept the water cool. As the Sun set, the desert began to cool, Hari Ram and+
Hari Ram & the rest of the soldiers were joking & chit-chatting almost till midnight. Hari Ram’s “मशक” was hanging on the branch of a Khajri tree.

Laughing in the middle of a typical ‘Fauji Joke’ Hari Ram took the “मशक”, sipped a bit of water +
Read 17 tweets
Oct 4th 2022
This Majestic #Snake Shaped Temple Amid The Lush Green Hills Is A Hidden Gem Near Hyderabad, Telangana.
Not far from the #Nampally bus stop, lies a magnificent temple that is shaped like a gigantic orange snake. The temple lies amid the lush green hills of Telangana and falls on
the path leading to the hilltop shrine, the #Lakshmi_Narasimha_Swamy Temple. The Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple is within a walking distance of around 15 minutes from the #Vemulawada#Karimnagar highway. On the head of the snake temple, there is a statue of Lord Krishna.
The temple would remind one of the tale of Lord Krishna dancing on the head of the demon serpent Kaliya. This shrine is at a distance of around 150 kilometres from Hyderabad.

One Can Enter The Temple Through The Abdomen Of The Snake

Interestingly, the entry to the temple is
Read 5 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
An ongoing & overdue thread on all things #BlackSea #blockade #grain and 🇺🇦maritime position.

Standard 🇷🇺 position, no need to provide safe passage as the only threat to shipping comes from 🇷🇺. Would give licence to interfere with ships and PR images.…
2. Plans to construct temporary silos in border regions to overcome the bottlenecks caused by the different rail gauges coming in central Europe. Not a universal solution, would provide some relief to the problem.…
3. Nuanced shift and suggestion by 🇹🇷around the hot issue of demining the approaches to 🇺🇦ports. Just create channels rather than complete the time consuming process.
-> not sure how viable this really is given drift mines and would require actual convoying in the areas. Image
Read 125 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
Unser gemeinsames Projekt mit @br_data und @BR_Recherche dokumentiert erstmals öffentlich die Spuren der #Hacker der Gruppe „#Snake“, die für einige spektakuläre Cyberangriffe verantwortlich gemacht werden. Warum ist es wichtig, das öffentlich zu machen? Ein Thread.
Digitale Spuren lassen sich verwischen und fälschen. Beweise gegen #Hacker gibt es selten – und sie werden geheim gehalten. Die Öffentlichkeit erfährt oft nichts davon. Sonst würden das auch die Hacker mitbekommen und ihre Taktik ändern.
Laut @z_edian sei es ein Problem, dass Geheimdienste durch Preisgabe der Informationen ihre "Quellen verbrennen" könnten. Doch es könne wichtig sein, Details über Urheber von Hackerangriffen zu veröffentlichen.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 17th 2022
In der gemeinsamen Spurensuche sind @hatr, @FlorianFlade und Lea Frey den Spuren der #Hacker-Gruppe „Snake“ gefolgt. Sie gilt als eine der raffiniertesten und daher gefährlichsten der Welt. Das sagen IT-Experten und Geheimdienste über „#Snake“:
Der IT-Sicherheitsforscher Paul Rascagnères wies im Jahr 2014 als einer der ersten öffentlich auf „#Snake“ hin. Er sagt: “Die gehören für mich, für die damalige Zeit, vielleicht sogar in die Top 5 weltweit”. #Turla #Hacker
In Deutschland werden die #Hacker von „#Snake“ für den Angriff auf das Netzwerk des Auswärtigen Amtes in 2018 verantwortlich gemacht. Die Hacker sind dorthin über das Netz der Hochschule des Bundes gelangt.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 17th 2022
Im Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz gibt es ein Spiel, bei dem auf den Karten verschiedene #Hacker-Gruppen abgebildet sind. Die Quartett-Karten hat ein Auszubildender entworfen. Sie werden als Geschenk verteilt, an Diplomaten und an Mitarbeiter anderer Dienste und Behörden.
Das Karten-Spiel heißt „APT Quartett“. APT steht für advanced persistent threat, also für Hacker, die über Zeit und Können verfügen, um unbemerkt IT-Netze zu hacken. #Hacker
Das Hashtag zum Spiel lautet #notagame, es geht genau darum: Die Karten sind ein spielerischer Weg, um zu veranschaulichen, welche Hackergruppen existieren und wie gefährlich sie sind. Es gibt 5 Kategorien: Schmerzfaktor, Fähigkeiten, Abwehrpunkte, Raffinesse und Gefahrenindex.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 17th 2022
Seit fast zwei Jahrzehnten werden die #Hacker von „#Snake“ von IT-Sicherheitsexperten und Sicherheitsbehörden weltweit beobachtet. Ihre Schadsoftware, so heißt es in einer internen Analyse des kanadischen Geheimdienstes, sei offensichtlich von „Genies“ programmiert worden.
Auch deutsche Sicherheitsbehörden verweisen bis heute auf die „herausragende technische Qualität“ der #Hacker - und auf deren Gefährlichkeit. Im Fokus von „#Snake“ stehen Militärkonzerne, Nuklearforschung, Außen- und Verteidigungsministerien. #Turla
Herauszufinden für wen #Hacker arbeiten, gilt als schwierig. Digitale Spuren lassen sich verwischen, Dokumente fälschen. Dem Team von @br_data, @BR_Recherche und @WDRinvestigativ ist es gelungen, die mutmaßlichen Entwickler der „#Snake“-Software zu finden. #Turla
Read 6 tweets
Feb 17th 2022
Exklusiv: Wer steckt hinter einer der gefährlichsten #Hacker-Gruppen der Welt? Ein Rechercheteam von @br_data, @BR_Recherche und @WDRinvestigativ ist den Spuren der Gruppe „#Snake“ gefolgt. Auch in Deutschland hat sie zugeschlagen. Die Spur führt zum russischen Geheimdienst FSB.
"#Snake", auch als "#Turla" bekannt, wird für den #Hacker-Angriff auf das Auswärtige Amt 2018 verantwortlich gemacht. Und für spektakuläre Attacken auf Regierungen, militärische und diplomatische Stellen, u.a. in Österreich, den USA und Afghanistan.
Eine offizielle Zuordnung der #Hacker-Gruppe zu einem bestimmten Staat oder einem Geheimdienst - Attribution genannt - ist bislang nicht erfolgt. Monatelang haben @hatr, @FlorianFlade und Lea Frey Spuren verfolgt, die die Hacker hinterlassen haben. #Snake #Turla
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May 16th 2021
‘Tricks With a Notorious Russian Spy Group’

‘Security researchers have found links between the attackers and #Turla, a sophisticated team suspected of operating out of Moscow’s #FSB intelligence agency.’

“…believe the SolarWinds #hackers and #Turla aren't one and the same. But … one #hacker group at the very least ‘inspired’ the other, and they may have common members between them or a shared #software developer building their #malware.”…
“… That actually makes the connection more significant … ‘It’s more like handwriting. That handwriting or style propagates to different projects written by the same person.'"

Read 16 tweets
Apr 27th 2021
#Dumerilblackheaded #snake lands up at #Mulund resident's doorstep, rescued..

This 1ft 🐍 was rescued from #Walkabai Chawl at #YogiHills in #Mumbai after a resident spotted it right outside his door taking shelter between a pair of shoes.
The snake was safely rescued and later released back into the wild in coordination with the forest department.

Dumeril black-headed snake is one of the tiniest reptiles around us and is also sometimes called the Jerdon's Many-toothed Snake.
They usually prefer to be around insect holes, leaf litter and loose soil. And hence can be found feeding on skinks, geckos, other 🐍

🐍 are cold-blooded or ectothermic, which means they are dependent on external envt to constantly regulate their body temperature to survive.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 9th 2020
#SnakeBite #India #Science 1/n

பாம்பு கடியால் இந்தியாவில் ஒவ்வொரு ஆண்டும் 50,000 பேர் இறக்கிறார்கள். கடந்த ஆண்டு மட்டும் 52,000 பேர். அதாவது ஒவ்வொரு 10 நிமிடத்துக்கும் ஒருவர்.

எதனால் இது சரிசெய்யப்படாமல் இருக்கிறது? ஏனெனில் இதில் பெரும்பாலோனோர் ஏழைகள், விவசாயிகள்.
#SnakeBite #India #Science #Snake 2/n
உலகம் முழுதும் ஆண்டுக்கு தோராயமாக 1 லட்சம் பேர் இறக்கிறார்கள். அதில் பாதி இந்தியாவில். 50,000 பேர். ஆண்டுக்கு.

அதோடு இதில் இருந்து பிழைப்பவர்களுக்கு உறுப்பு இழப்பு, கிட்னி பாதிப்பு, கோரமான வடுக்கள், உளவியல் பாதிப்பு எல்லாமே.
#SnakeBite #India #Science #Snake 3/n
இந்தியாவில் கிட்டத்தட்ட 300 பாம்பு வகைகள் இருக்கின்றன. அவற்றில் கிட்டத்தட்ட 60 விஷத்தன்மை உடையது. கிராமங்களில் அருகில் இருக்கும் மருத்துவமனைகளில் விஷமுறிவு மருந்துகள் இருப்பதில்லை.
Priyanka Kadam, Snakebite Healing and Education Society
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Sep 24th 2020
I’ve never live tweeted anything before, but it is 1:40 am and there is a 3 foot long snake in my room and I’m not really sure what to do. #snake
It’s a black snake, there’s tons of them here. Just going after the mice. But I am for sure not going back to sleep.
A few things I do know: no f-Ing way am I able to make myself grab it. Just even contemplating that made me sweat.
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Apr 8th 2020
@abasitpak1 Seen your latest fulminations on @newsonepk Basit. So, let me get this straight: you can say former PM Nawaz Sharif hurt Pakistan's imperatives in its relations with its number One bugbear; you can give out his Appointments Diary during his visit to Delhi; you can 2/
2/ VERBATIM tell the World your conversations as High Commissioner (Allah be praised) to India with the then Prime Minister of this good country; you can name names Re: visas which should be a Confidential matter; you can suggest without any proof whatsoever that the machinery 3/
3/ in the PM's family's sugar mills was Indian; you can actually suggest dark doings between our PM and certain Indian citizens and you expect Nawaz Sharif's friends NOT to call you a #Besharam and a #Beghairat and a #Backbiting #Snake. Actually Basit, since you Live and 4/
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Dec 13th 2019
It’s the time of year where I grade #HerpFall2019 field notebooks! Always fun to see how they remember things and express themselves.

Favorites below in thread
#herpetology #fieldwork
Some #HerpFall2019 students thought belastomatid #insects were “nightmare fuel” 😂

We caught a few of these aquatic predators in our minnow traps. They’ll absolutely eat #amphibians ImageImage
Whereas the #hognose #snake was a hit Image
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Aug 4th 2019
Incessant #Monsoon downpours call for urgent pleas of safety to the #Snake #Gods and #Goddesses
These images are from the #Amareshwara temple in #Amaravati #AndhraPradesh The idols were adored to celebrate #ShivRatri as this is a #Shiva #temple ImageImageImage
The #iconography indicates this #stone image to be the Snake God - #NaagDevta - but the presence of #Sun & #Moon is intriguing as that’s not how the Snake God is usually represented. Is this some other #God or any other form of the Snake God?@jhowesuk @LaliMAndrade @BL_VisualArts
Please help if you are aware of this temple and it’s Telugu inscription translations @LaliMAndrade @jhowesuk @a_appy @Yael_Rice @edanderson101 @willgupshup @BLAsia_Africa @BL_VisualArts
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Jul 3rd 2018
A snapshot of how Iran's holding the EU to ransom. POTUS shuts down the deal. The Iranian people erupt in support, as they know the deal will only make the Mullahs richer. The Mullahs panic and threaten to disclose which EU leaders/CEO's took bribes! #NoNukes #Qanon #EU #WWG1WGA Image
The EU are running around like headless chickens, trying desperately in vain to restart the deal. This was NEVER about halting nuclear weapons from being developed, this was a get rich quick scheme for the worlds leaders & CEO's. The Iranian people began a #ThankYouTrump hash. #Q Image
Kerry is still travelling around Europe, begging EU officials to fight the US and remain committed to the deal he helped create. The EU tried to force CEO's to remain in the deal, but with sanctions looming, they're staying clear. #Q #Iran #NoDeal #Peace #Freedom Image
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