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@FactCheckIndia that you are all no different than any other of us @TwitterParents to see a @GrievingMothers screams for a #helpinghand to be seen beneath #HumanRights as the #lies that are still pouring out of #MarkRowley's mouth that he has to read word to word from a scrip
because coming out of #retired that means #braindead as whoever is #socialmediamanager floods #TwitterFiles with #NicolaBulley, this I also find really sad, so so sad for those who like poor #MollyRussell and those who mare reaching out for @CruseSupport as a senior
Read 17 tweets
I was recommended Mermaids when my eldest son was small. He loved dolls, wearing fairy dresses, wanted to be a princess, doll, and was often mistaken for a girl. As a feminist, I had resisted gendered toys and was happy with all of his behaviours, as it was clearly who he was.
#Mermaids was sold as a playgroup for gender non conforming kids. I thought it would be boys in frocks running around, girls digging holes & climbing, and some fairy princesses driving imaginary steam trains. Great!
Other parents to chat to, maybe have a moan about how people expect kids to behave a certain way, and normalise not being normal for the wee ones. It was only because one person warned me that I clocked on
Read 10 tweets
Dear Prime Minister Modi Ji,

Shamelessness is characteristic with demagogues. Not with compassionate statesmen.

It can make you a cunning salesman, not a benevolent leader.

Follow this thread on shame.
People lost their all in demonetisation. Met with long queues, great hardships, suffering and starvation. Some lost their lives waiting for their own hard-earned money.

Still, no shame?

Migrant workers had to walk thousands of miles in scorching heat because a lockdown was imposed on 4 hours’ notice.

People met with unthinkable misery, pain and loss of livelihood.

Still, no shame?

Read 12 tweets
Good afternoon of Friday 13th May 2022 session where we will continue to hear from Leslie Thomas from Garden Court Chambers.

Catch up with this morning here:…
AB: Allison Bailey, claimant

BC: Ben Cooper QC, barrister for AB

SW = Stonewall (respondent 1)

IO = Ijeoma Omambala QC, barrister for SW

RW = Robin White assisting IO

GC = Garden Court Chambers Limited (R2)

AH = Andrew Hochhauser QC, barrister for GC (R2 & 3)
RM and SH - Rajiv Menon QC and Stephanie Harrison QC (joint 3rd respondents along with all members of GC Chambers, except AB.)

JR - barrister assisting AH
EJ - Employment Judge Goodman, hearing the case
Panel - any one of the three panel members (EJ and two lay members)
Read 150 tweets
Forget #wellnessjourney if this is acceptable without question @MentalHealthGov @SOS_Initiatives is going to be on the increase if this is how the @CrimeVictimsOrg show #victimsupport .

No seriously @haringeycouncil @BarnetCouncilPR

What gives @BarnetHomes
the f$##/#$/ rights to turn a blind eye to 7 of the crulest unlawful @actionfrauduk @NHSCFA #corruptleaders across the world to sit down and decide now is the best time to really go for the jugguler vains @BarnetCitizens @Nlondoncitizens .

#TonisArmy will be standing
with Toni if/when she is facing another corrupt @BarnetCouncil court judge if that takes place before @CllrCornelius #Alisoncornelius #theresavilliers @David_Longstaff @CatherineWest1 @DavidLammy @VpoDr @PrincipalStAns
@BTPChief @ClaireKober #CindyButts who are all
Read 7 tweets
This is such a gross human rights violation!
Your government is not for all its people, @JustinTrudeau!
#ShameOnYou #StopSeggregation #MedicalFreedom
I hope someone is fighting this in court?
Read 4 tweets
Parwana Ibrahimkahail has been badly tortured .We know where she is @NorwayMFA The #Taliban deny taking her but she’s in detention centre in PD9. Don’t negotiate with terrorists .@US4AfghanPeace @AHuitfeldt @AnneBeathe_ @SkyNews @Shaimaakhalil @BBCWorld @guardian @POTUS
The spokesman for #TalibanTerrorists deny taking her -It’s a lie - She has been tortured. I’m asking the International community to shout her name .#ReleaseParwana now .@GOVUK @TomTugendhat @RoryStewartUK @GordonBrown @SnellArthur @BBCYaldaHakim
We are asking the International community to scream for #Parwana. Tell you MP. Retweet.She needs us now. #Parwana will be murdered without our intervention. @amnesty @AmnestyUK @UNHumanRights @UNHumanRightsEU ACT NOW.
#ReleaseParwana #WeAreWatching
Read 15 tweets
GREAT Q! @starspangled76

Long QTip Shoved in Your Nose-Hole for CV Tests Proven to Be Fugazi?

DNA FLOCK PROFILING for Genetic Archives? 23&Breed?


3yrs of this Deep State Time Suck could've been totally avoided w/ Just One 5min "SHEEPLE"/"SHEEP" Speak-Easy Sesh!

SHEEP: "Jeez Louise! We're Just a bunch of Silly Fenced in Animals w/ Ear Tags! What's Your Excuse?"

SHEEPLE: "Duhhh..."

SHEEP: "Never Mind! Go Back to Watching CNN on Your Iphone 44... DumbAsses!"😆😅
3) DEEP STATE CHICAGO FAKE POP UP RONA-JAB JOINTS!?? Happening ALL over the Country too.


Bye Bye LOOP Capital & Chicago's Hyatt Hotel Family (Pritzkers). #Soon…
Read 5 tweets
کاش کوئی سورما مرد کا بچہ حمود الرحمن کمیشن رپورٹ شائع کرنے کی ہمت کرجآئے
تاکہ اس بدنصیب قوم کو اصل حقائق کا پتہ چل سکے
ادھر تم ادھر ہم کے بیچ میں اصل مزے کس نے لوٹے
کس کا کیا دھرا کس نے کاٹا
Read 3 tweets

Why is it we have @piersmorgan @PiersMorganLive running off to the #UnitedStates after leaving the corruption within @GMB but has never acknowledged Toni aka Ruth Lovell and her murdered son #AmbroseGGBall ever, but had enough to say surrounding
#GeorgeFloyd ?

And @Nigel_Farage who was with the sister #corrupt #NewsAlert @LBC now on @GBNEWS talking about the the latest distraction #petrolpanic #petrolshortage who has never ever once mentioned the #Corruptionkills that has left a mother with a body in @HaringeyLabour
constituency for over 6 and half and a half years as @DavidLammy just keeps on rolling out the sadistic mindset that he has proved to get some kind of power trip from inflicting more insults to what is almost a broken woman @NicolaGreenArt .

Read 17 tweets
In fact I feel @irwinmitchell are playing the same waiting game for something to take place because for the life of me I can not understand how someone has paid £5000 to be no further than Toni aka Ruth Lovell @garymason479 was when @dpg_law had already failed the family denying
the family #Article2.

There has to be a professional within @BPSOfficial @7Congress @doctor @TheDoctors who are in their field for all the right reasons that can see the damage the ongoing #Mentalhealth abuse that continues to be inflicted on this mother with
Read 9 tweets
I am ready to talk about the #silencing of over 25,000 psychologists in Australia with regards to the safeguarding of children. We are threatened, harassed, coerced to provide only one #therapy to children or else! They tried to force me into this I said NO. Any journalists???
I am ready to talk to journalists, lawyers, bloggers and am now writing a book on this topic/issue. I am ashamed of my colleagues and the board who wilfully ignore the immature prefrontal cortex, the autistic brain, and their own ethics and guidelines #rogd #gender #transgender
I have not been able to speak openly about this until now as I have been continually #silenced, harassed, threatened, coerced by other #psychologists #therapists, my board, governing agencies and other professionals. It’s time to reveal what is happening to clinicians worldwide
Read 60 tweets
D'@CorinneCahen seet ech hätt him net nogelauschtert an ech wier net an der Chamber gewiescht! Ech hunn him ganz gutt nogelauschtert a bis zum Schluss vun der Interventioun u menger Äntwert op hir Deklaratioun geschriwwen. Hei e Beispillscreenshot. Fazit: 1 Liggen…
Ah jo ech wor e puer Minutten ze spéit well d'Covid-Gesetz och nach huet misste preparéiert ginn. Ech hunn um Wee an de Cercel awer de Livestream gelauschtert an hunn näischt verpasst.
D'Madamm Cahen seet an hirem Interview um @100komma7 och nach datt se net geäntwert hätt, well jo keng konkret Fro méi koum. Och dat ass eng Liggen, well et koum eng ganz konkret Fro ë.a. vu mir a widderholl vum @michwolter
Read 7 tweets
The Y complex development between Japan and the Myanmar military terrorists.
♦️The lease is worth USD 2.163 millions per year. ♦️
Tell the Japanese government and these companies to stop working with the Myanmar military immediately. 1/
@JPN_PMO @MofaJapan_en @JapanGov @konotaromp @norishikata @moteging
@hrw_tokyo @sugawitter

This is an insult to #Myanmar people who gave their lives defending democracy.
STOP immediately if you respect Myanmar-Japan friendship!!
#ShameOnYou #JAPAN


すぐにプロジェクトを中止してください 。


@JPN_PMO @MofaJapan_en @JapanGov @konotaromp @norishikata @moteging
@hrw_tokyo @sugawitter
Read 4 tweets
In decades to come my children & grandchildren will want to know why Brexit happened and why it created the loss, waste, bureaucracy & damage it has ‘already’ started creating.
Here’s my pledge, as someone who was in Brussels then London:
I will remember it ‘all’.

I will remember the allegations of blackmail ahead of the Brexit votes in the @HouseofCommons & @UKHouseofLords , and then the intimidatory ‘staring down’ by @theresa_may in the Lords.
I will remember how @theresa_may tried to sidestep our sovereign Parliament & ram through Brexit without MPs’ approval - only to have to be stopped by our Supreme Court. I’ll remember how our judges were then vilified and branded ‘traitors’.
Read 7 tweets
8 % de #Musulmans en France
90% de #Musulmans parmi les 150 jeunes invités par @centresociaux ...ce n'est plus un guet-apens c'est un Augustin #Traquenard pour @sarahelhairy et la #Laïcité!
L'#inspection diligentée par @sarahelhairy
"a pour objet d’examiner les #objectifs, des #conditions d’#organisation et d’#encadrement du #RéseauJeunes et, la #FCSF...#Laïcité"
merci Madame d'initialiser ce travail salutaire qu'aucun @gouvernementFR…
n'avait lancé ! Nous aussi #Républicains #Laïques nous avons plein d'#interrogations
✔️Quelle #représentativité de la #jeunesse #française (90% vs 8%)
✔️Comment des journées sur #Laïcité se transforment en #ProphètesSansDieu…
Read 18 tweets
House Democrats have released a completely unserious proposal to respond to the public health and economic crisis the nation is confronting as a result of COVID-19. Here are 5 red flags in the #HeroesAct… @Heritage
1) The bill would extend the misguided and harmful $600 unemployment bonus through January 2021, with an additional extension possible through March of next year.
2) The bill would lift the current $10,000 cap on the federal deduction for state and local taxes in 2020 and 2021 (SALT) which would provide a two-year windfall tax cut to the wealthiest taxpayers in the highest-tax states.
Read 8 tweets
So here’s the #Conga

Well done for celebrating

While most ICUs in the country are working on a #NoVisitors policy

colleagues and I are having end of life discussions on the phone

My organisation are relying on medical students and retired consultants to talk to families
While 20% of my colleagues are off with #COVID

While most ICU beds in the country (including surge capacity) are full of COVID patients

Most cancer surgery is still cancelled

Do you fucking realise you’re placing all of us in jeopardy? Risks to staff, risks to patients
Including patients who don’t have #COVID

I’m not saying the lockdown needs to be in place for ever. There’s some evidence #SocialDistanacing was working.

But to go back to street parties and hoping pubs open again?

Posts on #SoMe and news saying it’s all a hoax?

Read 4 tweets
Long time no see !
Petit thread #COVID19 et pour vous dire à quel point #personnesaitrien sur le sujet, avec 2-3 photos de ma bouille malade depuis J+38
Oui. Vous avez bien lu, J+38 de maladie. Image
Tout commence le 12/03 en pleins cours : malocrâne/tête dans étau, fatigabilité +++, courbatures, fièvres à 38,5°
Et ça, ça va durer jusqu'au 19/03 NON STOP


À savoir que je vis sur #Paris, j'ai +1h20 de transport et que je passe par des gros endroits comme #GareduNord et que la semaine juste avant j'étais à l'@IndieGameLyon (coucou les copains, take care!)
Évidemment, tu chopes le #COVID19 dans ces cas là... Image
Read 29 tweets
@abasitpak1 Seen your latest fulminations on @newsonepk Basit. So, let me get this straight: you can say former PM Nawaz Sharif hurt Pakistan's imperatives in its relations with its number One bugbear; you can give out his Appointments Diary during his visit to Delhi; you can 2/
2/ VERBATIM tell the World your conversations as High Commissioner (Allah be praised) to India with the then Prime Minister of this good country; you can name names Re: visas which should be a Confidential matter; you can suggest without any proof whatsoever that the machinery 3/
3/ in the PM's family's sugar mills was Indian; you can actually suggest dark doings between our PM and certain Indian citizens and you expect Nawaz Sharif's friends NOT to call you a #Besharam and a #Beghairat and a #Backbiting #Snake. Actually Basit, since you Live and 4/
Read 9 tweets
And here we are...
#10yearsofTESD in #TESDquotes!

Happy birthday and 10 years #TellEmSteveDave!!!
¡Feliz cumpleaños!

[opens thread] 👇🏻🐜🎧💜🎉
Walt (about the podcast) "Once it became important to you, it became important to me."
Bry "Oh, you're so full of shit!"
Walt to Bry "We can close the show with a little Steve-Dave rant."
Read 459 tweets
मेरे २० वर्षीय ताऊजी नें अपनी माँ सहित परिवार के २६ सदस्यों का सर धड़ से अलग किया था, १५ और १९ वर्षीय २ बुआओं ने कुएँ में कूद कर प्राण त्याग दिए थे!
वो पंजाब के सारस्वत के आर्यों का लहू था जिसने मुसलमानों से अपने गौरव की रक्षा के लिए भीख नहीं माँगी!
No Major, your question should’ve been:
Are the Muslims not sent to the nation created for & by them in 1947 safe in 🇮🇳,
or are Hindu-Sikhs who stayed back in the islamic Pakistan safer?
इनका दर्द जिन्हें दिख रहा है उनके पास कुर्सी की ताक़त नहीं!
कुछ समय से मैं #PakHinduRefugees की भारतीय नागरिकता/वर्किंग वीसा के लिए कई दरवाज़े खटखटा रही हूँ,केवल निराशा हाथ लगी।
दो टूक के माध्यम से हिन्दु सिख परिवारों तक 🇮🇳 चले आने का सन्देश पहुँचाइए।
Read 13 tweets
Today is possibly .@theresa_may's last day as PM, if .@BorisJohnson can command a majority (which is in some doubt...)

So it's a great opportunity to look back at some of the *highlights* of Mrs May's premiership in memes👇
13 JUL 2016: May was appointed as PM and named her Cabinet shortly thereafter, surprising many by giving 3 of the top #Brexit-related jobs to arch-brexiters Boris Johnson, David Davis & Liam Fox. Sheer folly, or genius in making them own what they'd sold? Sadly, the former😢
5 OCT 2016: With such a narrow result, the country could be forgiven for expecting May to propose a consensual solution, as Norway PM Erna Solberg had done in a similar situation. Most Remainers would've accepted #Norway.

May's #CitizensOfNowhere speech crushed all hope.
Read 71 tweets
. @EP_President, es una VERGÜENZA q prohíban la conferencia de los presidentes @KRLS y @QuimTorraiPla.

El Parlamento Europeo 🇪🇺 debe respetar la libertad de expresión y ser la casa de tod@s NO el cortijo de unos pocos. #UErgonya #ShameOnYou
—Encuentra las 7 diferencias:

#ShameOnYou #shameoneurope
RESPUESTA: No hay ninguna diferencia entre si. Las similitudes son q en una y otra foto la mal llamada Sociedad Civil Catalana tiene vía libre para expresarse sin ser censurada pero el independentismo como siempre vapuleado y menospreciado. ¡ESTA NO ES MI EUROPA! #ShameOnYou
Read 3 tweets

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