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Sep 5th 2022
Bengaluru is a series of hills & valleys at 3100 ft above sea.

BBMP has 198 wards (soon 243).
741 sq. km. area.

80+% of city does NOT get flooded.

But if you live in a valley, chances of flood are high. Those were supposed to be lakes or paths to rivers.

When it rains heavily, and if you live in a low lying valley in Bengaluru, the amount of rain above your home doesn't matter.

It is the cumulative effect of rain water flowing from multiple hills nearby which floods your roads, IT parks & apartments. Water follows gravity.

Bengaluru has received the MOST amount of South West monsoon rain in its history, during 2022. And it has not ended yet. The next few days will be seeing massive rain.

Keep this in context when posting about #BengaluruRains.

Still majority of the city has done well.
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