Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Boogaloo2020

Most recents (2)

Jan 19th 2020
The hashtags #Virginia2A and #VirginiaRally have taken off the last few days (Jan 15th - Jan 18th) in anticipation of a planned gun rights rally in Richmond, Virginia. We took a look at the tweets.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@ZellaQuixote The first use of #Virginia2A appears to be a Nov 9 reply from @guzperez2020 to @Lrihendry. (We omitted earlier off-topic uses of #VirginiaRally from this analysis.) One of the early adopters (@DcDied320) has a🐻emoji in their name, which we've seen before. . .
@ZellaQuixote @Lrihendry @Dcdied320 The 🐻 emoji is used by supporters of alt-right comedian/livestreamer Owen Benjamin, known as "bears" or "unbearables." A total of 20 of the accounts using #Virginia2A/#VirginiaRally have this emoji in their profile.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 11th 2020
Right-wing Twitter accounts have appropriated the term "Boogaloo" to refer to a hypothetical second US civil war, possibly sparked by gun regulations. We dug into their usage of the hashtags #Boogaloo and #Boogaloo2020.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@ZellaQuixote We downloaded tweets containing either #Boogaloo or #Boogaloo2020 and removed early non-political tweets. Volume has been slowly rising since March 2019, and spiked abruptly during/after a Nov 23 standoff between police and an armed suspect in Mahopac, NY.…
@ZellaQuixote The first Twitter account to use #Boogaloo in a civil war/anti-gun law sense appears to be @Fly_guyfishy, in a March 28 reply to @NRA. The first to gain significant traction was @AP4Liberty, who felt the need to tweet about not being banned for a previous gun-related tweet.
Read 6 tweets

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