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Jun 17th 2023
1/Out of the six systems of philosophy of #Hinduism, the #Vedanta system is the most popular one & its canonical works are #Upanishads, #Brahmasutras, & #BhagavadGita, considered as SRUTIS by #Hindus (Primary Scriptures revealed by GOD & passed on to generations by vsrious sages.
2/The Smritis are secondary scriptures recorded through memory by human origin ).
The four great #Vedas have two portions, Karma-Kanda(sacrificial/ ritual portion) & Gnana-Kanda(Wisdom portion, known as Vedanta that prepares for Higher Spiritual Vision/ attainment)
3/The Upanishads are known as Vedanta( which means Final Goal of wisdom. Veda is wisdom & Anta means end)
The ONENESS of Soul and GOD lies at the very root of all Vedic thought. It is the IDEAL OF UNITY OF ALL LIFE & ONENESS OF TRUTH, makes UPANISHADS appealing to modern minds.
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