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Oct 19th 2019
In new setback for Boris Johnson, MPs back move to delay Brexit deal until necessary legislation passed

Boris Johnson says the opportunity to have a meaningful Brexit vote "has been passed up"

UK PM says he's not "daunted or dismayed" by MPs backing Letwin amendment, saying he "will not negotiate a delay to Brexit" #BrexitVote
“I welcome today’s vote – it's an emphatic decision by this House that has declined to back the prime minister’s deal today”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says the PM must “now comply with the law”

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Mar 26th 2019
OK this is a thread for the next time #BrexitDebate is trending... Let's do this:
Is the EU a dictatorship run by the unelected in Brussels?
But the Commission holds all the power?
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Jan 30th 2019
David Coburn, eurosceptic MEP and purveyor of proper lunches, shouts 'auf wiedersehen' as German MEP Elmar Brok finishes his intervention in the EU Parliament's #Brexitdebate
This could easily become a thread of Coburn's various heckles in the EU Parliament's Hemicycle. He's currently shouting 'good' to Guy Verhofstadt's moan about Brexit creating 'uncertainty'
'RUBBISH' shouts Coburn as Guy Verhofstadt, the EU Parliament's Brexit co-ordinator, ends his intervention that urged a cross-party effort to end the deadlock in Westminster.
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Jan 28th 2019
If a parliament elected to represent our interests, and whose sovereignty is at the heart of our constitution, chooses not to ensure we avoid a #NoDealBrexit the British Medical Association calls "catastrophic" for the NHS, our democracy is broken beyond repair.
The first responsibility of Parliament/Government is to protect its citizens.
Parliament is actively abandoning its responsibility to protect the country from the effects of No Deal.
#WithdrawalAgreement #BrexitDebate "Cooper Amendment"
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Nov 29th 2018
In the "BBC or ITV" #BrexitDebate debate, it's worth considering what's missing from the picture: somebody for the "no Brexit" option i.e. the third path still open to the UK.

"No deal" doesn't need representation, because it's the default, the strawberry jam splat on the ground
when we've jumped out of the EU plane and failed to concoct any sort of deal parachute on the way down. It's always in the background.

But Theresa May herself acknowledges that "no Brexit" AKA remain is certainly still a live possibility, even though not one she would support.
Because at the moment, all we have is Theresa May's dead as a dodo deal that will never pass in Parliament (and therefore is hardly worth the time of day) vs Jeremy Corbyn's fantasy Brexit that has never been tested in EU negotiations. In other words, impossible choice #1 vs
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Nov 29th 2018
So, the big #BrexitDebate is happening on BBC, or perhaps ITV, or maybe not at all. All clear as mud. What's crystal clear is we won't get a moment to rival Yvette Cooper's masterful dismantling of Theresa May's Brexit plan in today's Liaison Committee.…
Here's the question I would love to see Theresa May pushed to give a PROPER answer to:

"Comparing like for like, *not* compared to today's figures, will your Brexit agreement leave the UK better off or worse off in 15 years time than it would otherwise be in 15 years time?"
It's a mouthful and could I'm sure be improved upon, but both the preamble and the repetition feel necessary because Theresa May keeps avoiding the issue by pretending people are asking her similar questions vs "today".

Of course the UK will be better off in 15 years time in raw
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