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Feb 22nd 2023
It’s Budget Day in #Somerset! Join me from 10am for live coverage as @SomersetCouncil sets the first budget of the new #unitary authority, which officially takes over in April 1. #LDReporter #Budget2023
We're live - here's the link to the video if you want to watch the proceedings from @thecanalside in #Bridgwater:… #LDReporter #Somerset #Budget2023
Cllr Mike Best (#Crewkerne) is in the chair - and he has announced the passing of former @SomersetCouncil and @MendipCouncil councillor Alvin Horsfall :(… #LDReporter #Somerset #Budget2023 #Frome
Read 73 tweets
Jul 13th 2021
There are a lot of different regeneration projects on the go in #Somerset at the moment (as I pointed out in last week's #LDReporter newsletter). And with updates for a couple of schemes on the horizon this week, here's a handy thread to help you keep track of what's going on :)
Here's a handy map - I'll zoom in on the relevant settlements as we go through each part, and I'll be going by parliamentary constituency from west to east. #LDReporter #Somerset #Watchet #Wellington #Taunton #Bridgwater #Chard #Yeovil #Glastonbury #Wincanton #Frome
Let's start in #Bridgwater and West #Somerset - we've got two settlements which have been targeted so far, one by private investment (#Watchet) and one by the @mhclg #townsfund (Bridgwater). #LDReporter
Read 53 tweets
Nov 6th 2017
Less than 4 weeks to go until our #christmas #charity #motorbike rides supporting @CHSW - in #bristol #devon and #plymouth -Sat 2nd December
There's no charge to attend and all bikes, trikes and scooters are welcome to join us - all donations are welcome and 100% donated to @CHSW
Decorate yourself and your bike and help raise some smiles while supporting your local children's hospice.
Read 11 tweets

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