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Feb 5th 2022
“President* Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election… Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.”

@Mike_Pence (on Feb 4, 2022) #LegitimatePoliticalDiscourse?
“If I run and if I win we will treat those people from January 6 fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly.”
Donald Trump dangling pardons for insurrectionists, 1/29/22

“Lincoln said those who embrace sedition and turn backs on the Constitution threaten to ‘destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time — to both future Americans and the world — that a government of the people could not survive.’”@tribelaw
Read 351 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
“727 insurrectionists arrested… Who else should be jailed for this unsuccessful coup?” @colbertlateshow

“The threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills. Debate them, vote… If that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster.” @JoeBiden
“Our democracy has been declining over the last 5 years. In fact, right after January 6 of last year, our country was classified as an anocracy… The most important thing is for citizens to be aware of the dangers of democratic decline.”
@bfwalter @AC360
Read 349 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
“[President* Trump] was in the dining room, gleefully watching on his TV as he often did — ‘look at all of the people fighting for me’ — hitting rewind, watching it again…”
former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham to CNN

“We must decide what kind of nation we [will] be. Are we going to be a nation that accepts political violence as a norm? Are we going to be a nation where we allow partisan election officials to overturn the legally expressed will of the people?” @JoeBiden
“727 insurrectionists arrested… Who else should be jailed for this unsuccessful coup?” @colbertlateshow

Read 349 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
"We've seen a lot in these last 4.5 years of Donald Trump and nothing, in my experience, was more serious than this attempt to overthrow a lawful election, corrupting and weaponizing the Department of Justice. Absolutely horrifying."
@SenBlumenthal @maddow
"The very purpose of this law is to chill people. Not just abortion providers in Texas, but to chill the entire community of people who want to help women right now into second guessing whether they’ll be on the hook."
Dahlia Lithwick @maddow #WHPA #Bounty
“What I believe is unprecedented is for a member of House leadership of either party to be unable to condemn incitement of violence against a member of this body… What is so hard about saying that this is wrong?”
@AOC House speech, November 17, 2021

Read 298 tweets
Jun 25th 2021
“What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution? …What is wrong with having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?”
Joint Chiefs Chair General Mark Milley
“Guaranteeing the right to vote and ensuring every vote is counted has always been the most patriotic thing we can do… John Lewis said, ‘Freedom is not a state; it is an act.’ …We WILL act… For our democracy, for America itself, we MUST act.” @JoeBiden
Tom Brady: “Not a lot of people think that we could have won. And in fact I think about 40% of the people still don't think we won.”

President Biden: “I understand that.

Read 227 tweets
May 18th 2021
"You can be in favor or against more government regulation and still have home in the Republican Party… The ONLY thing you cannot be is in FAVOR of VOTING RIGHTS and against #TheBigLie." @marceelias @DeadlineWH

PLEASE FOLLOW @DemocracyDocket for updates.
Our United States leadership struggle is no longer Left versus Right.

Our choice is now DEFEND DEMOCRACY or enable DICTATORSHIP.

To DEFEND DEMOCRACY, reject the radicalized Republican Party.

#DemocracyOrDictatorship #ResignRepublican @MeidasTouch
“We need TWO political parties in this country that are both LIVING IN REALITY and you (Republicans) ain’t one of them!!“ @TimRyan

#TimRyan @RepTimRyan #TimRyanForSenate
Read 115 tweets
May 13th 2021
January 6 was a failed attempt to overthrow American democracy.

By purging Liz Cheney, the Republican Party completed its transformation into a fascist, Authoritarian cult.

OUR DUTY as Americans is to DEFEND DEMOCRACY and #RejectGOPFascism. @MeidasTouch
“I am sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today.”

That evergreen sentence was uttered by Fritz Scheller, lawyer for Joel Greenberg, associate of Matt Gaetz (Q-FL), on April 8, 2021:
“One of the most influential Dark Money groups in Republican circles is WRITING VOTER SUPPRESSION LAWS IN SECRET to make it harder for Black, Brown, and Young people to be able to VOTE.” @AriBerman to @chrislhayes

“Keep pointing this out.” @brooklynmarie
Read 98 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
THE KYRA CONSPIRATION: Rey writes fanfictions. Some mean dude comments on AO3.
#epistolary #reylo #fanfiction , absolutely and totally inspired by #burnerphone written by @ViWiWrites. I will probably not succeed at being half as funny and witty as she is. Yet, I'll do my best! ImageImage
2) "Kyra (KyloxKira) coffee shop AU!" Someone didn't like it. ImageImage
3) KyRa "Oh noooo there's only one bed! AU".
Rude dude is rude. ImageImage
Read 66 tweets

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