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🚨 BREAKING and OUTRAGEOUS: The Biden Administration is officially considering a Public Health Emergency (PHE) in response to #RoeVsWadeOverturned. As the person who coordinated the last PHE (even snapped this photo of it being signed), I have a few thoughts... 🧵 (1/x)
For the HHS Secretary to declare a PHE, there must be a finding that a disease, disorder, significant outbreak of infectious diseases, or bioterrorist attack exists. PREGNANCY IS NONE OF THESE...
Not even the most liberal Democrat who voted for the Public Health Service Act (which authorizes PHEs) ever imagined it as a tool for Presidents to throw a temper tantrum because SCOTUS said some states could stop the murder of unborn babies...
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“WE COULDN’T BELIEVE there were enough people to walk alongside them. One morning we woke up from an uneasy sleep and there was no more laughter…It mustn’t happen again. We can’t let it. We simply can’t let it happen again.”
Twilight Zone 1963 #NeverAgain
“California [will] make our own insulin at a cheaper price, close to at cost, and to make it available to all…
Because in California, we know people should not go into debt to receive life-saving medication.”
@GavinNewsom @CAgovernor #Insulin4all #Insulin
“Freedom is under attack in [Florida]… In California [we] still believe in #freedom. Freedom of speech. Freedom to choose. Freedom from hate. And the freedom to love. Don’t let them take your freedom.”
Newsom DeSantis ad #IndependenceDay2022

Read 209 tweets
This Exec Order does several things to get around #SCOTUS #RoeVsWadeOverturned :
1.) Sec @HHSGov has 30 dys to submit to @POTUS a list of actions "to protect and expand access to #abortion care, including medication abortion"
2.) HRSA must expand "free or reduced cost- "
"...reproductive healthcare services through Title X clinics
3.) promote "awareness of & access to the full range of contraceptive services, as well as know-your-rights info"
4.) "ensure that all pregnant women & those experiencing pregnancy loss, such as miscarriages..."
"...and ectopic pregnancies -- receive the full protections for ER medical care afforded under the law"
5.) the Attorney General and the Counsel to the President are ordered to convene legal experts to provide pro bono aid to women & their health & contraception providers
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Pat Cipollone: The rioters have gotten to the Capitol, Mark.

Mark Meadows: [Trump] doesn't want to do anything, Pat.

Pat: Mark, something needs to be done or people are going to die and the blood is going to be on your f—ing hands.

Liz Cheney: The night before #January6th, President* Trump instructed Mark Meadows to contact both Roger Stone and Michael Flynn regarding what would play out the next day.

#CassidyHutchinson: That’s correct. That is my understanding.

Cheney: Did Rudy Giuliani [seek a] pardon related to January 6?
Cassidy Hutchinson: He did.
LC: Did Mark Meadows ever indicate that he was interested in receiving a Presidential pardon related to #January6th?
CH: Mr Meadows did seek that pardon. Yes ma’am.
Read 211 tweets
🔴 Primary elections 2022 live: Voters in New York and Illinois head to the polls as Boebert faces challenge…
Tuesday will see another wave of primary showdowns across the country as US voters turn out to make crucial decisions ahead of November’s general elections.…
Americans heading to the voting booths for first time since #RoeVsWadeOverturned…
Read 4 tweets
Heteronormative patriarchy’s designated shelf life for cisgender women is the age at which we cease to be its walking incubators. And yet here is Nancy, a woman in her early 60s who not only wants to fuck but has planned--with time, money, and a "fuck-it" list--how she wants to.
How often do films center a woman in her early 60s? Rarer still is the film that centres a woman in her early 60s who wants to fuck. Patriarchy’s Map of Life for us women 50+ delineates a Hiking Trail Into the Kingdom of Shriveling Up and Fading Away.…
My newsletter is free. If you can pay, it helps to keep it free.
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I have been pro-life my whole life

It drove our decision to adopt 3 children

We have donated to Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Until recently it has driven our voting

Yet I have not been able to celebrate
#RoeVsWadeOverturned—a former dream—like I thought I would.


A 🧵
I believe it is an ends/means situation

What drives my pro-life conviction is the Imago Dei, the belief that the babies carried by mothers in any situation bear the image of God and are worthy of dignity and honor.

Dignity and honor is not what got Roe overturned. +
It feels like a hollow victory when the political party that got us here—which I once revered as the holy and righteous party—shrugs its shoulders when gun violence takes the lives of image bearers

And has been led by a man who shows no dignity and honor to the least of these. +
Read 7 tweets
If a majority of Americans did not want Roe overturned, then y’all have nothing to worry about. I don’t mean that facetiously. Overturning Roe kicked the power back to YOU to vote, lobby, & campaign for this issue. Roe robbed us of that for 49 years.
The right to abortion is not a constitutional right. Even pro-choice legal scholars have recognized this. But it can be a state right. In many states, it always has been & likely always will be. The governor here is already promising to get it enshrined in the state constitution.
Overturning Roe allows for a more representative government within the states, & if most Americans want abortion, then they will vote that way, & there’s really nothing to be outraged over.
7 unelected justices in 1973 didn’t adequately represent the nation then, & they
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“That could be their vehicle to impose a NATIONWIDE BAN on abortion—on the order of the U.S. Supreme Court… They will now wield [power] however they want…to change the country however they want without restriction, and you must do what they say.”@maddow

“What makes people think that this radical conservative Supreme Court…would allow Congressional law protecting #RoeVWade? I’ll tell you the answer: THEY WON’T…as long as we let these 6 conservative theocrats control our country…”
@ElieNYC @TiffanyDCross
“[Ben Wattenberg 1987 book says] ‘60% of fetuses that are aborted every year are white. If we could keep that 60% alive, that would solve our birth dearth.’ Does that sound like racism to you? And if it doesn’t, I want to know why it doesn’t.”
Jane Elliott
Read 221 tweets
There is a false narrative going around

“Obama could have codified #RoeVsWade when he had a supermajority but chose not to. Therefore there is no point in voting for Democrats and #VoteBlueNoMatterWho

This is misleading at best and harmful at worst

Here are the facts 👇
When Obama was sworn in, there were:

56 Democrats + 2 Independents in the Senate

Al Franken’s victory was not acknowledged by Republicans until July

Republican Arlen Specter did not become a Democrat until April
Amongst these 56 Democrats there were pro-life Democrats from red states like Arkansas and Nebraska

Including Ben Nelson who held Obamacare hostage until there was an amendment preventing Obamacare policies from covering abortion
Read 11 tweets
Let's not pretend Republicans could give 2 f*ks about abortion as "life." Or you can ask GOP Rep. Scott Desjarlais of TN, who's so "pro-life" he pushed both his wife and mistress--a patient of his--to get abortions… #RoeVsWade #roevwadeoverturned
You could also ask former "pro-life" GOP Congressman Tim Murphy, who also pressured his mistress to get an abortion he was so devoted to his belief wrt "life."… #RoeVWade #roevwadeoverturned
You might also wanna talk to former deputy Republican National Committee Finance Chairman Elliott Broidy, he was also very all life-y except when it came to pressuring the mistress to get an abortion… #RoeVsWadeOverturned
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“Dr. Eastman and President* Trump launched a campaign to overturn a democratic election, an action unprecedented in American history. Their campaign was…a coup in search of a legal theory.”
Judge David Carter 3/28/22

#TrumpCoupAttempt #January6thHearings:
“I've lost my name [and] sense of security—all because a group of people…scapegoat[ed] me and my daughter Shaye, to push their lies about how the Presidential election was stolen.”
Ruby Freeman, former Georgia election worker
#LadyRuby #January6thHearings:
Read 233 tweets
“President* Trump…followed the course recommended by an apparently inebriated Rudy Giuliani—to just claim he won and insist the vote counting stop. To falsely claim that everything was fraudulent… Millions of Americans believed him.”

“The Trump campaign knew these claims of voter fraud were false; yet, they continued to barrage small dollar donors, encouraging them to donate to ‘The Official Election Defense Fund.’ @January6thCmte discovered NO SUCH FUND EXISTED.”

“I said to him: ‘Are you out of your f—ing mind?’ I said, ‘I only want to hear two words coming out of your mouth from now on: ORDERLY TRANSITION.’”
White House lawyer Eric Herschmann to John Eastman 1/7/21

@AccountableGOP 🐼 #January6thCommitteeHearings:
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“I made it clear I did not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen…which I told [Donald Trump] was bullshit… The incumbent [cannot] stay in power based on its view unsupported by specific evidence there was fraud in the election.” Bill Barr
#January6thCommittee: “Did that affect your perspective about the election when Attorney General Barr made that statement?”

Ivanka Trump: “It affected my perspective. I respect Attorney General Barr, so I accepted what he was saying.”

“Any legal jargon you hear about seditious conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, and conspiracy to defraud the United States — all boils down to this: January 6th was the culmination of an attempted coup.”
Bennie Thompson

Read 282 tweets
It was easier for a 13-year-old boy to buy a rifle from a private seller at a gun show than to buy beer, cigarettes, porn, and lottery tickets. (🎥:#RealSports 2014)

Gun show loopholes still exist.

Senate Republicans won’t even vote to DEBATE safety laws.
“We are at a point [where] we are going to have to mobilize a greater movement… Until the redemptive power of the love for all of our children is greater than the destructive power of the love of our guns and money, [nothing] is gonna change.”@CoryBooker

“Women and mothers have political power… We need to use our voices and our votes [to] demand change, and if our lawmakers don’t act, hold them accountable— [the] unglamorous heavy lifting of grassroots activism.”
@shannonrwatts @SymoneDSanders @MomsDemand
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“Justice Roberts has said that the Supreme Court can self regulate. That’s simply not true. We’ve got one sitting Justice whose wife has been shown to have been planning the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6.”
@MondaireJones @RepMondaire @KatiePhang
“Justice Clarence Thomas [at AEI 5/13/22] bemoaned the leak of the SCOTUS opinion that will likely overturn Roe v Wade, [claiming] that when you lose trust in an institution, it changes that institution fundamentally.”
@KatiePhang @katiephangshow #RoeVWade
“Out of 75+ scholar citations, only 4 are women. Out of 90+ judge/justice citations, 5 are women. ‘Justice’ Samuel Alito cites HIMSELF 6 times. And this [SCOTUS opinion] would effectively govern the bodies of millions.”
Read 310 tweets
“We now have the evidence to support a story of the worst presidential political crime against the union in American history.” Jamie Raskin

@RepRaskin @January6thCmte @jamie_raskin #January6th
Laurence Tribe describes what “is being bandied about as the technique that they hope to use if they get Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and Alito and Thomas on board… to take the next election regardless of who wins.”

@tribelaw @JoyAnnReid @thereidout #TheReidOut
“In America, you have the right to seek the truth and speak the truth, even if it makes people in power uncomfortable… If Russian journalists [had such freedom] would they use it in the same way? Ask yourself that question every day.”
@Trevornoah #WHCD

Read 323 tweets
“President* Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election… Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.”

@Mike_Pence (on Feb 4, 2022) #LegitimatePoliticalDiscourse?
“If I run and if I win we will treat those people from January 6 fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly.”
Donald Trump dangling pardons for insurrectionists, 1/29/22

“Lincoln said those who embrace sedition and turn backs on the Constitution threaten to ‘destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time — to both future Americans and the world — that a government of the people could not survive.’”@tribelaw
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“727 insurrectionists arrested… Who else should be jailed for this unsuccessful coup?” @colbertlateshow

“The threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills. Debate them, vote… If that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster.” @JoeBiden
“Our democracy has been declining over the last 5 years. In fact, right after January 6 of last year, our country was classified as an anocracy… The most important thing is for citizens to be aware of the dangers of democratic decline.”
@bfwalter @AC360
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“[President* Trump] was in the dining room, gleefully watching on his TV as he often did — ‘look at all of the people fighting for me’ — hitting rewind, watching it again…”
former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham to CNN

“We must decide what kind of nation we [will] be. Are we going to be a nation that accepts political violence as a norm? Are we going to be a nation where we allow partisan election officials to overturn the legally expressed will of the people?” @JoeBiden
“727 insurrectionists arrested… Who else should be jailed for this unsuccessful coup?” @colbertlateshow

Read 349 tweets
"We've seen a lot in these last 4.5 years of Donald Trump and nothing, in my experience, was more serious than this attempt to overthrow a lawful election, corrupting and weaponizing the Department of Justice. Absolutely horrifying."
@SenBlumenthal @maddow
"The very purpose of this law is to chill people. Not just abortion providers in Texas, but to chill the entire community of people who want to help women right now into second guessing whether they’ll be on the hook."
Dahlia Lithwick @maddow #WHPA #Bounty
“What I believe is unprecedented is for a member of House leadership of either party to be unable to condemn incitement of violence against a member of this body… What is so hard about saying that this is wrong?”
@AOC House speech, November 17, 2021

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