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May 5th 2023
What do the Tories mean by their championing of ‘Singapore-On-Thames’ post-Brexit freedoms bonanza? Thatcher kickstarted the turn away from Europe with her wish for ‘a kind of free-trade and non-interventionist Singapore’.
Singapore and Hong Kong are indicators of economic governance where the short-circuiting of democracy was the key to their successes. Singapore’s troubling working classes were bypassed in favour of bringing in foreign workers who could be hired, fired, and then deported.
The state shaped Singapore’s success, not the free market, it set up massive land reclamation projects around its coasts using sovereign wealth funds and ‘plugged in’ to multinational corporations. Singapore avoided years of development by bringing in tech and a foreign workforce
Read 18 tweets
May 3rd 2023
An excellent read here on Shanker Singham's insidious influence on @PrifWeinidog by @FiveByFiveTimes
I cannot fathom why the Welsh FM has signed off on 2 Freeports in Wales with one of the most dangerous r/w libertarian Govt consultants in the world.…
@PrifWeinidog @FiveByFiveTimes Worried about 2nd homes in Wales? That's nothing compared to 2nd cities owned by corporations with their own laws with zero Govt oversight. That is Singham's speciality. Wake up Welsh people.
A plutocratic city, where ultra-wealthy property developers buy up public land worth 100s of millions for a fraction of its worth. The poor are expelled from these NIMBY enclaves, the prerogative of the Special Investment Zone is mini-tax havens for off-shoring wealth. #Brexit
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