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May 17th 2022
New #CBECI update! 🚨

Among others, new mining map data covering the period from Sep 2021 to Jan 2022 included confirms the rise of the USA as the world's dominant mining hub, now extending its lead to 37.84% of total hashrate amidst the global recovery.
But the most notable finding has been the resurgence of China as a major mining hub which – despite the government ban in June 2021 – is reported to host 21.11% of the world's total hashrate.

This seems to empirically confirm what industry insiders have suggested for a while:
A non-trivial part of China's hashrate has never left the country and instead went underground to operate covertly through various means.

@KenzieSigalos offered an excellent account of this practice in December 2021:…
Read 13 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
New #CBECI mining map update!

Following the government-mandated crackdown on the Chinese mining industry in June 2021, the US now emerges as the leading #Bitcoin mining centre with ± 35% of total hashrate as of August 2021.
Kazakhstan (18%) and the Russian Federation (11%) are following, thereby confirming the trajectory identified in our previous update showing that those three countries had already gained market share prior to the Chinese crackdown.

(We've added a new chart for absolute hashrate) Image
China's reported share of total hashrate is now, somewhat unsurprisingly, at 0%. While there are rumours of ongoing covert mining operations, any inferences on the basis of this data would amount to pure speculation. Image
Read 5 tweets

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