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Mar 11th 2020
BIG shout out to my casework team for another awesome #CaseworkSpotlight!

Philippe reached out to our office because his wife, Tricia, was experiencing a delay in receiving a decision for her application to become a Legal Permanent Resident. Image
My office reached out to @USCIS to obtain status updates on Tricia's application and forwarded her information regarding her interview.

After 6 months of communication, Tricia completed her interview and her green card was granted!
My office is here to help if you or someone you know needs help with a federal agency.

Call my #CA34 office at (213) 481-1425 or visit the casework section on my website to get started! Image
Read 3 tweets
Jan 22nd 2020
Check out this awesome #CaseworkSpotlight as we approach the #2020Census.

Andy from #MtWashington was looking for a job with the @uscensusbureau ahead of this year's count, but hadn’t heard back for MONTHS regarding the status of his job application. Image
My office contacted the @uscensusbureau on Andy's behalf to figure out if there were any issues with his application.

We were able to get a quick response from the Census Bureau and Andy was able to get a job which he will be starting soon.

Congrats Andy! Image
The @uscensusbureau is still hiring for this year's count!

Visit to apply!

If you need help with a federal agency, my #CA34 office is here to help!

Visit or call (213) 481-1425 to get started. ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Dec 14th 2019
(1/3) Awesome job to my casework team for this #CaseworkSpotlight!

When John enlisted in the Army, he used outdated documents.

Because @DeptVetAffairs & @SocialSecurity had conflicting information, John couldn’t receive his benefits. Image
(2/3) My casework team worked with the #VA and #SocialSecurity to update John's information so he can collect his hard-earned benefits for serving our country.

Thank you for your service, John!
(3/3) My office is ALWAYS happy to help #Veterans like John receive the benefits they deserve.

If you need help with a federal agency, call my #CA34 office or visit the casework section on my website to get started! Image
Read 3 tweets
Oct 26th 2019
Thanks to my casework team for another incredible #CaseworkSpotlight!

Phillip – a pastor from #Westlake – reached out to my office because he wanted to use the @USPS parking lot next to his church on Sundays. Image
My casework team reached out to @USPS to help Phillip get the information he needed to get a permit to use their lot.

Phillip’s permit request was quickly approved and his congregation is excited to accommodate more members of his church!
If you need help with a federal agency, my #CA34 office is here to help!

Call my #LA office at (213) 481-1425 or visit the casework section on my website:… Image
Read 3 tweets
Sep 7th 2019
(1/3) Another great #CaseworkSpotlight made possible by my casework team!

Daniel from #RampartVillage was unsure how the backlog of I-765 applications at @USCIS would impact his ability to work.

With his visa set to expire, Daniel was worried he might lose his job. Image
(2/3) My casework team reached out to receive a status update for Daniel and – after an appointment with @USCIS – his application was approved!

Daniel was able to quickly get back to work financing small business owners.
(3/3) If YOU need help with a federal agency, reach out to my #CA34 office at (213) 481-1425 or visit the casework section on my website:… Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 29th 2019
(1/3) Check out this great #CaseworkSpotlight, courtesy of my casework team!

Marcel from #DTLA was worried he would have to leave the project he was leading at work because his Optional Practical Training was set to expire. Image
(2/3) My office reached out to @USCIS on his behalf to expedite his EAD card application.

Thankfully, his request was approved and he was able to continue designing and building 3D-printed super cars.
(3/3) If you need help with a federal agency, my #CA34 office is here to help!

Call my #LA office at (213) 481-1425 or visit the casework section on my website:… Image
Read 3 tweets
May 21st 2019
(1/3) Shout out to my casework team in #CA34 for working hard on this #CaseworkSpotlight!

Chandana – originally from Bangladesh – reached out to our office because she was not receiving updates from @USCIS regarding her green card application. Image
(2/3) My office stayed in touch with Chandana for over a year, forwarding her notices and updates – including biometrics and interview information – from @USCIS until she received her green card in April! Image
(3/3) My #CA34 office is here to help YOU with a federal agency.

Call my #LA office at (213) 481-1425 or visit the casework section on my website:… Image
Read 3 tweets
Apr 7th 2019
(1/3) #CaseworkSpotlight

Outstanding job to my casework team!

Shamir from #DTLA couldn't work for several months because he needed a work permit. During this time, his dog needed emergency surgery, leaving him in serious debt.

Shamir needed help to get a work permit quickly. Image
(2/3) My casework team in #CA34 reached out to USCIS and submitted an expedited request for Shamir’s work permit.

He received his work permit one month later and is ready to work!

I’m also very happy to report that Tug is happy and healthy! Image
(3/3) If you need help with a federal agency, my office is here to help!

Call my #CA34 office at (213) 481-1425 or visit the casework section on my website:… Image
Read 3 tweets
Mar 18th 2019
(1/3) Check out this #CaseworkSpotlight thread. BIG shout out to my casework team in #CA34!

#DTLA resident Aslihon contacted my office because she wanted to know why her mother Muradiye – who she hasn’t seen in 7 years – was ruled ineligible for a nonimmigrant visitor visa. Image
(2/3) My office got more information for Aslihon so Muradiye could be better prepared for her next interview with the Consulate General in Istanbul.

Muradiye passed her interview, was granted a visa, and was able to come to the United States and spend the holidays with Aslihon! Image
(3/3) If you need help with a federal agency, my office is here to help! Call my #CA34 office at (213) 481-1425 or visit the casework section on my website:… Image
Read 3 tweets

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