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Sep 4th 2020

1. St Moses, Patriarch, lived during the 12th cent. B.C. His feast day is September 4.

What we know of this Hebrew leader and law-giver we learn from the inspired text of Holy Scripture, especially from the Book of Exodus.
#Moses Image
2. He died at the age of 120 years on the borders of the Promised Land. Where he was buried no man knows.

The Epistle of St Jude speaks of the altercation of the devil with St Michael concerning the body of Moses.
3. He is one of the few Saints of the Old Law whom the Catholic Church includes by name in her Calendars and Martyrologies. (from the Book of Saints by the Monks of Ramsgate) #Bible #patriarch #prophet #OldTestament #Christian #Christianity #CatholicSaints
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Jun 5th 2018
Ok It’s 4:17 - been trying to get back to sleep for an hour so I go downstairs to get a drink of water. Sitting at the kitchen table and a mouse just ran over my bare feet. Picture a huge silent EEEK!!!! cuz I can’t wake anybody. Now sitting immobile in a corner in the dark.
Weirdly, this also happened at the 7:30 A.M. Mass on Sunday. Is it me?
Either he just ran by again or there’s two of ‘em. Still in my chair.
Read 7 tweets

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