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Jan 2nd 2022
'With funding from the CIA, the late Dr. D. Ewen Cameron did a series of mind-control experiments...[at] Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University in Montreal between 1957 & 1961 for treatment of various psychological ailments.'…
'To erase or "de-pattern" personality traits, Cameron gave his subjects megadoses of LSD...drug-induced "sleep therapy" for up to 65 consec. days & applied electroshock therapy at 75 times the usual intensity.'

'To shape new behavior, Cameron forced them to listen to repeated recorded messages for 16-hour intervals, a technique known as "psychic driving."'…
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May 15th 2021
As @life_is_art___ has pointed out, the #ARHQ & #KaiserHealth (plus others!) are studying patients without clear consent. The #CommonRule was changed in the CURES Act. It allows for something called #AlternativeConsent.

It's easier for researchers! 🤔…
Just a few screenshots from the description of #AlternativeConsent:
You can obtain consent from patients WITHOUT THEIR DIRECT KNOWLEDGE if the study is deemed
*minimal risk* to the patient.
Who determines such a thing?

No doubt, #ForcibleTapers were done w/#AlternativeConsent.
You'll find that in re: #AlternativeConsent, there's great discussion about preventing patient bias in trials.

They are allowed to dodge consent to avoid that *bias*. This cannot be #ethical. @process_x was right when she warned us about the changes made to the #CommonRule.
Read 3 tweets
Feb 15th 2019
One year ago today, I was honored to join @HHSGov as the 16th Assistant Secretary for Health. Thanks to the dedicated professionals I’ve been privileged to work with, it’s been an incredible year.
Although this has been a historically impactful year for OASH, we have only just begun our mission to Lead America to Healthier Lives. Most recently – we announced a historic new plan to end the #HIVepidemic in America.…
We rolled out numerous critical efforts including the #PAGuidelines, the #CommonRule, cross-agency effort on #SickleCell disease with @nhlbi, #PainTaskForce & #HPV initiative. Image
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