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Apr 25th 2018
(1) I like & respect Adm Ronny Jackson & wish he'd never been nominated for VA Sec. He could have stayed in his current role with the same level of reputation he had in January 2018 and served for many more years. I think his rep has been irreparably damaged.
(2) The career fate of Adm Jackson is far less important atm than the historic French state visit and the foreign & domestic policy challenges with which we must grapple. Clearly, Democrats planned this as the latest in their desperate, lame attacks on this Presidency & voters.
(3) It reflects badly on the President and his team. The damage is recoverable, but it wasn't necessary in the first place. I still do not accept that any missteps so far have been significant enough to reduce my ability to trust & support POTUS. They are minor.
Read 17 tweets
Apr 13th 2018
(1) #PhotoThread: Team Trump current events. April 13, 2018. #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat

You can find links to all my photo threads at:… … …

BELOW: POTUS with proud survivors & family members affected by online sex
trafficking, as he signs the FOSTA Act.
(2) After the tragedy of losing a child or surviving online sex trafficking, these brave Americans celebrated the signing of the 'Allow States and Victims to Fight Online SexTrafficking Act of 2017' on April 11. Above, Yvonne Ambrose, a victim's mother, receives a signing pen.
(3) President Trump has done more than any other to stop and prevent online sex trafficking and all forms of abuse, exploitation and trafficking of children, women and men.

A special moment here:
Read 40 tweets

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