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Mar 24th 2022
The resilience you all expect of Black women is outdated. And once we celebrate her confirmation, I hope we also all think about how we can support Black Women that want to lead without trauma involved. That’s true #JusticeForAll

#ConfirmJackson #ConfirmKBJ #SCOTUS
“She handled herself gracefully despite the verbal attacks.” “ She maintained her composure despite the disrespect.” Why are we celebrating this? Why are we not interrogating the fact that such abuse is allowed to happen in this process in the 1st place?
I dream of a future where a woman like #KetanjiBrownJackson can have a hearing without abuse. My dream is for Black women to be able to express anger and/or sadness without judgement. I choose to fight for representation, yes, but also for the joy we deserve.

Read 3 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022

Day 3!! Here we go!!!🥰💗✊🏽
Sen Durbin says grace under pressure!
Read 130 tweets
Apr 13th 2018
(1) #PhotoThread: Team Trump current events. April 13, 2018. #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat

You can find links to all my photo threads at:… … …

BELOW: POTUS with proud survivors & family members affected by online sex
trafficking, as he signs the FOSTA Act.
(2) After the tragedy of losing a child or surviving online sex trafficking, these brave Americans celebrated the signing of the 'Allow States and Victims to Fight Online SexTrafficking Act of 2017' on April 11. Above, Yvonne Ambrose, a victim's mother, receives a signing pen.
(3) President Trump has done more than any other to stop and prevent online sex trafficking and all forms of abuse, exploitation and trafficking of children, women and men.

A special moment here:
Read 40 tweets
Mar 29th 2018
(1) Disgraced Obama holdover David Shulkin has now attacked POTUS publicly. What an idiot.

Privatization is a wonderful thing. Most importantly, #WeThePeople elected Trump in order to get the BEST & safest care for Veterans. I support VA privatization even more now!
(2) As Shulkin and other poor performing, luxury-traveling, bureaucratic former employees are finding out, YOU SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE PRESIDENT. Period.

Great people like Kellyanne Conway, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton have this doctrine firmly embedded in their minds.
(3) Going to the media to back stab the President that we overwhelmingly elected and support is a slap in the face of the people, who make sacrifices and pay taxes for the benefit of our Veterans who have been so badly treated by an extremely dysfunctional bureaucracy.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 22nd 2018
(1) #PhotoThread: Team Trump current events from March 22, 2018 onward. #MAGA #KeepAmericaGreat

You can find links to all my photo threads at:…

Below: #FLOTUS arriving at her meeting about child safety online. 👠
(2) The meeting FLOTUS held on cyber safety acknowledged children's greater need for guidance & support, relative to adults. IMHO, adults are (or should be) able to look after themselves online. Child safety is something we can all get behind, no?…
(3) I've been making these photo threads since June 2017 and my preference is to upload photos instead of links. However, the number of photos available is increasing (which is great). In order to keep up I will sometimes add links, like this one:

Read 38 tweets

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