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Apr 21st 2021
@retrofitness Hello, I need to reach out to you all about an racially antagonizing incident that happened last night at your Edison, NJ location. I just joined your gym last week and now I have no choice but to cancel my membership.
@retrofitness This is the #BlueLivesMatter flag hanging up in the middle of the gym area. My sister said this flag was never hanging up before but suddenly it is hanging on the day of #DerekChauvinTrial #DerekChauvinVerdict Why? Is there a subliminal message being communicated?
This incident happened last night and I called the Edison,NJ @retrofitness to resolve this issue and a woman who said she was in charge got very defensive with me and said that there was nothing wrong with the flag.
Read 10 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
LIVE UPDATES: The verdict is about to be read in the trial of #DerekChauvin, the ex-police officer charged with killing George Floyd.

Click here to get the details on the charges he is facing for the death of #GeorgeFloyd:

Stay with us for updates.
The jury has found #DerekChauvin guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.
The judge has confirmed with all jurors that their verdict is unanimous. They found #DerekChauvin guilty on all three charges.
Read 11 tweets

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