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Oct 10th 2020
It’s #WorldMentalHealthDay - a day that #MentalHealth activists love to hate, because hey, it’s not all light at the end of the tunnel (yay Recovery 🙄) & it’s not just one day of the year. But sod it, here’s a pictorial compilation for you. Bonus points if u get to the end 1/25
2/25 Meds. Love them or loathe them, they are a daily reality for many of us. Big Pharma makes a lot off us Mentals. Did you know that my most debilitating diagnosis can’t be medicated? But all the others equate to 13 tablets a day, plus any extras on PRN #WorldMentalHealthDay
3/25 I’ve never, ever, ever been able to maintain taking meds regularly. But I do now. The Hubster wakes me up with a coffee, toast and meds. But having a caring, loving person in my helps me more than any meds. Sadly not available on prescription for us all #WorldMentalHealthDay
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