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Apr 18th 2022
#PierrePolyester is fake...
@ElectionsCan_E don't ya know eh
That hosier & his anti-canadian values isn't doin' this on his on own eh.


Why so many fake accts?
#NevrePoilievre @csiscanada
#PierreKushner @Policy
This is the fastest way to lose 40% of your followers
it doesnt matter who he hired to manage his growth.

After elimination of the "botflies"... he's left w/ 77,974

But we're not done, his wife's acct has enjoyed significant bot growth as well. If any1 wants to do the honours
🐝 never piss on a hornet's nest...
Good sir, @TheoMoudakis ✍️⤴️ ... inspiration for next cartoon mon ami ☕️

Looks like poilievre has been enlisting the help of some bootleg "wen mao" & the rest of the decepticons. Its aboot time... policy on maligned use be reviewed @Policy
Read 6 tweets
Apr 18th 2022
As a #Canadidate for Prime Minister i will also run for Premier on the constituency's dollar. I plan on spending 61% of my time at the cottage eh. Speaking only in "simple meme-me-nese... haulting ever so often to
#LabelExpert #DougFord
#DontVote4Himmler #NevrePoilievre
Im still looking 4 the gravy train, i'll find it i assure u. In the meme time enjoy this cheesecake. Trust me i've almost figured out how to opt-out of inflation. As some1 who wears a drawstring suit pant, i will ask u 2 tighten your belt
#NevrePoilievre #LabelExpert
Allow me #TinyShovelMan #Thugford ur friendly neighborhood #PunServative... u don't have to take me or my nice hair seriously. I've never held a real job, which makes me qualified to be the smarmiest politician

Please elect me so i can deny u healthcare in times of austerity
Read 25 tweets
Apr 17th 2022
This just hit me eh!
#DougFord @fordnation cut $71 from
133 First Nation communities
66 of which face system water inequalities

To add to insult, he only pledged $10M to investigate burial sites at residential schools... there were 15 schools in the province 😶‍🌫️ @AFN_Updates
The mark of the beast is telling
When you divide 10M by 15
You get 666,666.666

@fordnation is a muppet... his handler chose that number b/c of the Indigenous rejection of Christianity/Catholicism... i perceive it as a slight by conservatives & handlers
#DougFord is not a religious man but his handlers are.. the ppl who control @fordnation are to an extent

Doug doesnt go to church but who advised him of $10M was calculated
The Beast of Revelation in Chapter 13, verse 18 features;
The Number of Beast
[Book of Revelation]
Read 14 tweets
Apr 16th 2022
@CFNU @canadanurses take note;
From @RNAO leadership & board @MorganHoffarth & @DorisGrinspun
We have seen no content

This is what the ppl of Ontario want to see from strong leaderships. Everything in excess of 1% in pay should be repaid or resign
solidarity is everything
@DorisGrinspun ... mmmm
An emergency meeting should be held to remove her. If 100,000+ nurses are capped at 1% ... while she enjoyed a [52%] raise since #DougFord took office #RussianAssetTracker
'21 - 9.6%
'20 - 26.8%
'19 - 8.4%
'18 - 7.2%
#onpoli #onted
May1st is a saturday! ImageImage
#MAYDAY2022 could end up ⬆️ looking like 2017 or 2021
#DougFord doesn't want this kinda smoke
May1st is a Sat
There is literally no justifiable excuse for 52% gain in pay when 100,000 nurses are capped at 1%
@_RyersonNursing @GrittyNurse
@UofTNursing @ANANursingWorld
@SHNcares ImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Apr 16th 2022
@ON_Integrity @CORE_Ombuds @ONAttorneyGen @SHNcares
@OC4RC @ontarionurses @UHN

@fordnation aka #dogovor is at the centre of another hot mess...
Non-disclosure of a $30,000 loan

Even i was saving this... but damn!
Gotta love when a #russianasset reveals her truest self Image
Between December 2018 and December 2019, Gorchinsky moved 13 of his payments from $500 to $9,500, and had a repayment of $3,000.

She claims to be 100% a gift... text msg's shared w/ the courts state otherwise as per @grantgorchynski Image
@NatKusendova claims otherwise.there was no expectation of reimbursement – it was just a agreement between partners that Mr. Gorchynsky is now contesting”
filed in Ontario Superior Court Gorchynski says Kusendova “systematically abused her position as an MP and requested loans.” Image
Read 20 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
@fordnation #DougFord=🇷🇺
@celliottability undeniably the worse health care minister in the modern history of Canada
@Sflecce has categorically failed kids, their parents, & teachers
The four horsemen of the #CONpocalypse
@HarjitSajjan × @AnitaAnandMP @melaniejoly @epdevilla
Please assess what/whom can be spared to assist provincially
XE variant:…
Data surpression 01/15/2022…
Via Bloomberg Shanghai had 20472 cases yesterday
I suspect this too have been done intentionally by the #DougFord regime. Allegations of this nature do not come lightly. The brevity is that, he allowed things to get soooo bad... so we would have to call in the @CanadianForces @CFOperations
But why? Risk illness on te troops🤬
Read 50 tweets

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