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Sep 2nd 2021
(1/12) #Dotdotdots: A thread and temporary change from my #BAYC pfp to shed some light on what I feel may be the next big NFT project, #dotdtotdots by @functionofdots. Available at…

(2/12) ..with a floor of 0.75 ETH and a supply of 4360 #dotdotdots (increases as Ethereum hits all time highs up to 10,000) and with 47.55% unique holders (2073), viewed from the perspective of both the innovative #NFT and #tradart worlds, I think it’s clear this project is a... Image
(3/12)..a multifaceted outlier.

Incorporating the best of #PFP art, generative art as well as a unique and infinitely more complex and unique narrative than almost every project up to this point, + the potential and in my opinion likelihood of a major (at this point... Image
Read 13 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
This is totally unconventional, and so unlike me.

No website, no marketing, no twitter, no discord, no minting (except from contract).

One of the most mysterious drops... and yet... here we are.

#6 in OpenSea over last 24hrs, almost 1E floor.


Maybe more NFT projects can take a leaf from #dotdotdots book, whoever the dev team is.

With zero hype and fanfare, they have single-handedly created the MOST hype and fanfare.

More importantly, this didn't cause gas wars and we are at 41% unique distribution just in 15 hours.
Supply will be released based on ETH price, capped at 10k.

Right now, 4360 is minted (ATH of ETH). Which means, there will not be massive new supply in the market anytime soon...

Really interesting to be a part of this, even though I bought in 4hrs late.
Read 10 tweets

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