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Oct 7th 2021
As #MedTwitter regulars, you may have already heard that the #SurvivingSepsis Campaign has released the updated 2021 version of the International #Guidelines for Management of #Sepsis and #SepticShock!

But have you gone thru the updates yet?

A #Tweetorial (1/x):
There are 93 #recommendations made in the new publication. I don’t have time to write (or read) that kind of #Tweetorial and neither do you. That’s what the publication is for ->… !

But let’s hit the ✨highlights✨ starring Table 1: (2/x)
Why we care (and we care so much!): Sepsis and septic shock affect millions of people globally each year, and kills somewhere between 1/6 and 1/3 of those diagnosed with the #syndrome. 1/3!!! 😳😢 (3/x)
Read 25 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
1/ Women in Critical Care:

👍 Just recorded #ISICEM roundtable w @frubulotta @ElisabethWaele @FlaviaSepsis & Dr. Juffermans. 🎥 🍿 on Sept 16th.

Let’s eliminate prejudice based on gender, sexual pref & color. Here is a Baker’s Dozen of Women ICU Leaders!

#heforshe #medtwitter Image
2/ The first woman leader in Critical Care I discussed was Dr. Christina Jones from UK. She is a Biochemist, Nurse, Masters Social Work, PhD in Psychotherapy.

👊Mother of ICU Support Groups & ICU Diaries. As an expert, she shaped our field!

#sccm #esicm #pulmcc #ICUrehap Image
3/ 2nd world leader in Crit Care presented was Dr. Deborah Cook, from McMaster Univ in Canada. Seminal trials in Ulcer Proph, Bioethics, CCCTG trials, and now edifying us about how to provide healing in the dying process through her 3-Wishes Project.
#endoflife #palliativecare Image
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