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Jul 27th 2021

​Morning y’all!

​Jury deliberations kickoff THIS MORNING!

Today is also the 4th anniversary of the death of Gemmel Moore. Below is a page from his journal.

​This will be the thread for today.

#edbuck #edbucktrial
If you need to get caught up, start here 👉🏾…
"While this fight is as much about getting justice for Ed Buck’s victims it’s also about calling out all of the people and entities along the way who failed them and enabled Ed Buck."…
Read 27 tweets
Jul 26th 2021

​Get caught up!  Here's my day 7 recap of the Ed Buck trial. 

​Jury deliberations kickoff on Tues. morning--the 4th anniv. of the death of Gemmel Moore.

​This will be the thread for any news.​

#edbuck #edbucktrial…
Da Baby's comments about HIV and AIDS are exactly why Christopher Darden felt comfortable using the AIDS
and gay panic defense for Ed Buck's benefit.…
"If you didn’t show up today with HIV, AIDS, or any of them deadly sexually transmitted diseases, that’ll make you die in two to three weeks, then put your cellphone lighter up," said the rapper during his performance.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 16th 2021
ED BUCK TRIAL UPDATE: Alrighty fam! Court resumes at 9 a.m. Here’s a recap of yesterday’s testimony.

Ed Buck Trial: Day Two…

#edbuck #edbucktrial
It’s clear that Christopher Darden and Ludlow Creary’s defense of Ed Buck involves weaponizing his victim’s HIV status. Darden and Ludlow are fixated on AIDS and making sure the jury has a negative connotation when they hear it.
The only relevance HIV has in this trial is the fact that Ed Buck is HIV positive and according to his victims, specifically asked them of their status and knew that they were positive when he did what he did to them. But the defense doesn’t want to talk about that.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 15th 2021
ED BUCK TRIAL UPDATE: Alrighty fam! I’m in court for day two of testimony.

This will be the thread.

Oh and today I’m wearing my “I just wanna kick Chris Darden and his flunky in the ass” chucks.

#EdBuck #EdBuckTrial ImageImage
For those who need a refresher on day one’s testimony.…
Ed Buck’s next door neighbor just finished testifying about the foot traffic and Buck soundproofing his apartment after Gemmel Moore’s death. Up next is Buck’s apartment manager.
Read 13 tweets

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