Seasoned in sarcasm, fueled by reflection. Always chasing that elusive thing called balance. Storyteller. Strategist. Style.
May 31, 2023 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
This is for the #queer groups screaming the loudest about what's going on #Uganda but who normally can't be bothered with the Black people here in America...
It’s really easy to read a headline like “Uganda president signs anti-gay law that includes death penalty” and immediately go into your First World privilege and start in with the condemnation.
Oct 13, 2022 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
In addition to holding Nury Martinez, Gil Cedillo, and Kevin de Leon accountable in this moment, we have to make sure that going forward, they are not allowed to lean on the Democratic Party for support for any of their future political campaigns.
De Leon currently has a campaign committee open for Lt. Governor in 2026--which may speak to his refusal to resign. Cedillo is a career politician, and there’s nothing to say that he won’t try and run for office again in the future.
Oct 13, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Morning fam. It’s Thursday. There are still two holdouts who think they are above being held accountable for being racists. Two men who are still being paid with public money to represent people they despise and wanted to disenfranchise.
Two men who think they can weather the storm and return to business as usual. Two men whose arrogance and separatists mindsets make them wholly unfit to hold public office.
Oct 13, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Let’s be clear on LA Councilmember Kevin de Leon--he is and has been, long before this incident, an arrogant, racist separatist. Based on his behavior on Tuesday at the city council meeting, I have no reason to believe he’s even considering resigning.
As long as Kevin’s constituents give him a pass, Kevin will finish out the remainder of his four-year term and will likely be re-elected. The only people who can take Kevin out of office, short of himself or a criminal indictment, are his constituents.
Oct 13, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Former LA Councilmember Nury Martinez's resignation statement reeks of the same arrogance, separatism, and racism that cost her the seat she's vacating.
"I hope you stay engaged and continue to fight for your fair share of the city’s resources."
Is that what she was doing on that audio? Fighting for resources?
"It’s hard to say goodbye, but please know that I was in this fight for you.”
Is that some sort of low dog whistle to people who feel the same way The Blacks as she does?
Oct 12, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
These councilmembers in LA only feel comfortable to stay put because they haven’t heard enough from the people who put them in office. At the end of the day if their constituents are ok with their comments and will continue to support and vote for them—they’re going to be fine.
So the people in:
•Glassell Park
•Cypress Park
•Highland Park
•Mount Washington
•Sycamore Grove
•Solano Canyon
•Elysian Park
•Echo Park
•Angelino Heights
•Temple Beaudry
•Forgotten Edge
•Lincoln Heights
Aug 10, 2022 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
12 years ago on August 9, 2010, I got a phone call that a body was found and that it was identified as being #MitriceRichardson.
Mitrice's naked mummified remains were found in a creek bed in Malibu Canyon adjacent to a 21-acre ranch that is known for producing pornography.
The man tased in this video was found shot to death in #LongBeach. Larry Jefferson was suing Sheriff Villanueva and the #LASD. Although he was found by the Long Beach Police Dept on 3/29 they didn’t notify his family until 4/5. The fam want the AG or DOJ to investigate.
The fam also says after Jefferson was murdered and before they were notified sheriff’s deputies were just sitting in front of their home. They took pictures.
Apr 17, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
So I finally had a chance to watch the Law & Order episode everyone was talking about that was supposed to be similar to the #EdBuck case. Meh. Don't get me wrong L&O is one of my fav shows. But, let me be clear, the sheriff's dept. was not trying to hear from the men Buck hurt.
For those who were with me from the beginning, you remember that the FIRST set of detectives who were finally assigned (only after I published Gemmel's journal), were no Oliva Benson or Camryn Manheim advocating to arrest Buck--far, far from it.
Mar 28, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
This 👇🏾
Ed Buck has given over $500,000 in political donations over a number of years. Some of his largest donations were made to California Congressmember Ted Lieu who has received at least $25,600.…
Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer, who is currently running for mayor of Los Angeles, received $18,400. LA City Councilmember Kevin de Leon who is also running for mayor took $26,500.
#THREAD So the camera isn't working at the jail and the hearing can't move forward. Defense counsel wants a continuance. Judge seems inclined to grant it. It looks like #EdBuck's sentencing is now going to be delayed even further...
Judge is going to try and get another courtroom so that the sentencing can move forward on April 4. Defense counsel is too busy to have the hearing later this week. He wants the hearing pushed to April 4. Judge seems to agree. Prosecutors want the hearing on Friday.
Mar 28, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
I just saw this piece.
This is where Sheriff Alex Villanueva has me 🤬ed up and clearly doesn’t know who the 🤬 I am. This is what happens when you 1) don’t do your homework on the person you’re about to talk 💩 about and 2) you are so racist you just generalize all Black ppl.
Sheriff Trump Lite just made a bigger ass of himself. Anyone who knows me or has followed my work knows I’m equally critical and concerned about the deaths of Black people at the hands of other Black people—probably more than I am with the police killing Black people.
Feb 25, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
A lot of media wanted to cover and did cover the story of the Pensacola father who was charged with attempted murder after the police bust into his house at 4:45 in the morning for a search warrant for some clothes and electronics. His baby son was also injured.
But it was the power of the Black media and @rolandsmartin that cared enough to lift up the family's GoFundMe and not extract a news story to lead the news. Roland and his audience single handily took the family's GoFundMe from $935 to 8,803 and counting in less than 10 minutes.
Feb 24, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I have an update on the civil lawsuit against #Compton Councilmember Isaac Galvan. Quick recap, Galvan and five other people were charged with conspiring to commit election fraud during the June 2021 runoff to ensure Galvan would retain his seat.
He won the election by 1 vote.
Among those charged with Galvan is the talented Dr. Jace Dawson.
Feb 23, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
🧵 Because social media is for oversharing, fomo and tmi..
True story.
A funny thing happened in Jamaica. Well—funny now that’s it’s over. Not funny at the time.
JetBlue decided that there was too much luggage on the leg from Ft. Lauderdale to Kingston and just left our luggage behind. No warning at all. I was just standing at the baggage claim looking completely dumbfounded. 🤔 My friend Nevin—who is Jamaican—says that happens often.
Feb 15, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
True story.
So a father was asleep at home with his two kids, 1 & 3, when the police bust in the door around 4:30 a.m. Dad fires one shot at the door because he wakes up and just sees a guy in his house. Realizes after he shoots that it's a cop and puts the gun down.
With hands up, the dad is apologizing profusely. The cops apparently had a warrant but it wasn't for the dad. It was for computer equipment that belonged to someone else. They charge the dad with attempted murder on a police officer.
Sep 21, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Kevin de León took oodles and oodles of Ed Buck's money.
Kevin de León got $20,700 and L.A. City Atty. Mike Feuer took $18,400.
And no, they didn't return the money. Kevin lied about returning it.…
And another thing. I haven't forgotten this is the same person who thought he could call my then-boss last year and get him to make me stop talking about his Ed Buck money so he could campaign in peace like it was 1955 and women were beholden to men still.
Jul 27, 2021 • 27 tweets • 7 min read
Morning y’all!
Jury deliberations kickoff THIS MORNING!
Today is also the 4th anniversary of the death of Gemmel Moore. Below is a page from his journal.
Tonight I hope my Stonewall Democratic Club colleagues will join me in supporting @AlexMohajer for president of Stonewall Dems. I cannot in good conscience support the incumbent given his behavior regarding his friend Ed Buck.
It’s time for new leadership. If the organization really wants to be who they say they are—electing Alex is a good step in moving toward that direction.
Jul 26, 2021 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Get caught up! Here's my day 7 recap of the Ed Buck trial.
Jury deliberations kickoff on Tues. morning--the 4th anniv. of the death of Gemmel Moore.