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Jun 29th 2022
Ancient Iranian Devices, Insignia & Monograms
نشان های کهن ایرانی

One of the most enigmatic, least studied aspects of #Iranian history & culture

Check this thread out to find out more, and please #retweet & share. You won't find all this info elsewhere!

🧵⤵️⚡️ Images partly from https://...
I might one day turn this into a paper. But for now, let's look at this really cool part of our history! I am so excited!!

What I will call "devices" are abstract signs, seals... that got progressively more complex by end of #Sasanian era. They are also called #Tamga (or tamgha)
Tamga from Turkish. In Middle Persian and modern Persian, the word would be Nishaan or Neshaan ( Ossetian gakk)

These have an amazing and long history. They might have started as signs for cattle, later for clans & families. Were used by people across Eurasia
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