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Feb 13th 2023
Now we’ve talked about the value of #ResearchData and #RDM, let’s get into the #FAIRData principles! These state that research data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
Let’s start with #Findability! We can only use #ResearchData if we know how to look for them. This means that data (& metadata) not only need to be registered in a searchable database, but also to be indentified in a way that is clear, consistent and unique. Text: "Findability means putting data in a library and
#Accessibility requires that the protocol for finding (meta)data using this unique label is standardized, free and open. Different people and machines should have the same opportunity to search for and access the data!
#OpenScience Text: "Accessibility means everyone can retrieve data u
Read 7 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
[#Thread & #Giveaways] Autour du projet @RunOnFlux sur lequel @MiningTk est incollable.

Un lot de 150 $FLUX à se partager pour lequel vous devez :
🔹 Follow @FLUX_France & @From0To10K
🔹 RT & Like
🔹 Commenter : "Wen $FLUX listing on @BybitFr sir?"

Infos, tirage & Thread ⬇️
Les 150 $FLUX seront divisés en 3 :

🔸 100 FLUX
🔸 30 FLUX
🔸 20 FLUX

Le tirage du #Giveaways / #Concours aura lieu le 13 Décembre.

Ce concours sponsorisé vous est offert en partenariat avec @FLUX_France que je remercie pour leur confiance.

Aller, découvrons @RunOnFlux ⬇️
$FLUX, histoire & origines

Né du « fork » de la #crypto anonyme #ZCash, FLUX se nommait autrefois ZELCash et son coin le $ZEL. Le but était de créer une plateforme décentralisée, sécurisée et évolutive.

Ce n’est que le 27 Mars 2021, que le projet fût rebaptisé $FLUX.
Read 25 tweets
Jan 3rd 2020
2020 weekly close thread for PFAS.

Down 0.17% over the first two trading sessions. 11 up, 9 down, 5 unch...

No movements greater than 5%
Divis #ULS #RECI
Exit: #RRE (too crowded, no edge)
Slice: #AAZ (to 20% weight)

Now 8% cash which I plan to deploy next week

Good w/e all
PFAS down 0.44% weekly (-0.61% YTD). 12 up, 12 down, 2 unch
🐶 #ULS

Divis #GAW #GSK

Have a great w/e folks 🍻🥂⚽️
PFAS up 1.1% weekly (+0.48% YTD). 18 up, 7 down, 2 unch


Sold a slither of #GAW & #SPSY to fund an experimental position in #EMQQ

Have a great w/e folks 🍻🥂⚽️
Read 57 tweets

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