Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Giveaways

Most recents (24)

Jun 9th 2023
Fellow tweeps, you might not be as safe as you had thought. Yeah, #Twitter might be posing some risks to you. ⚠👀

In this thread, I’ve compiled some security checks you SHOULD do on your @Twitter account.

You don’t want to read it? As you wish. 🧵🏌️‍♂️ Image
Oh, well, I guess you decided to read it anyway. That’s so thoughtful of you, and while we’re at it, I’ll appreciate and urge you to follow me. I provide exquisite contents that’ll interest you. 💯

For the taking, this thread is not about the internal vulnerabilities of Twitter;
I mean those private data leaks, account hacks, internal errors, and whatnot; no, it ain’t about all that. ❌👎

But you see those access and authorizations you give to external apps and sites via the Application Programming Interface (#API), they’re toast, man. 😂
Read 25 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
To all the #bettingtwitter folks out there!

Introducing $BCB - Blockchain Bets which is a fully decentralised betting platform which includes tons of sports and live casino games

Bet, Earn, Repeat 🚀💯🤑🚀

Let's dive right in! @BCBerc20 Image
What is $BCB?

A decentralised gasless betting platform that offers a unique combination of sports betting, online casinos, and staking rewards to the users.

$BCB does not require any KYC verification, making it an easy and private platform for users to engage in online betting. Image
What do they offer?

A fully functional decentralized betting platform with tons of sports with the best odds.

There are different betting features like Asian Corner, 1X2, Over/Under goals, 1st Half Goal Line prediction etc..

Check it out ->

#ETH #bcb Image
Read 14 tweets
Mar 6th 2023

EPIC Cash Mega Thread👇

EPIC is scarce, scalable, private, fungible, censorship resistant P2P electronic cash.

EPIC Cash is 98% of #Bitcoin's DNA, updated with 2019 tech, and then some.

Find out why EPIC is the future of crypto.

#Giveaway in final tweet.

Let's go!🔥🚀

History & beginning

The first EPIC block was mined on 2nd Sept 2019

Like #BTC, EPIC had:

No Pre-Mine
No VC's
No Company

100% volunteer developed & driven

Why is this important? EPIC fails the Howey Test, meaning it is not a security under the SEC.

Scarce Asset

There will only ever be 21 million EPIC coins.

EPIC is therefore not only able to act as a private medium of exchange, but it is also a store of value - a vital function of money that most do not appreciate.
Read 18 tweets
Feb 5th 2023


@EZProtocol is #Aptos and #Sui very first leveraged yield farming protocol

A total of 3 parties play an essential role in EZ Fi : Lenders, Yield farmers, and Liquidators

#airdrops #airdrop
2/ EZ Fi gives you the option to supply any combination of assets WITHOUT having to supply an equal amount of assets for a liquidity pool like traditional yield farming 👀

They successfully raised $210,000 in the private investment round to fund the development 💰
3/ If you look at their Twitter 🐦account, you can see that their marketing campaign is based on several Airdrop / #Giveaways that they do with partners

Chances of getting an airdrop by participating in this testnet seem relatively credible 😊
Read 11 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
We are pleased to announce our #partnership with @TheFishverse!

Follow the thread for some lucky #giveaways! Let the fishing begin! Image
FishVerse is a revolutionary AAA fishing game that is open-world, decentralized, and built on blockchain technology. 🐠🐡

It brings together millions of fishing and #P2E enthusiasts.🎣
Within the game, players can #monetize by catching and utilizing #NFT fish, competing in tournaments, completing missions, building businesses, and more... All of this is available on any device! 🚀💸💸

What can players do in this game? Image
Read 6 tweets
Jan 18th 2023
🎁🎁🎁 [ #Giveaway ] 🎁🎁🎁

Le bon plan pour bien commencer ce début d’année 💪🏼

Un cadeau d’une valeur de 209€

🎁 iPods 3ème génération 🎧

Pour le #Gagner ⬇️

✅ RT ➕ Follow @WoodsDolls

🗓️ TAS le 21/01/23 14h🏆
⚠️ N’oubliez pas de vous abonner aux deux comptes pour valider la participation !

Pour valider la participation ⬇️⚠️⬇️

1- Retweeter ♻️ 1er tweet

2- S’abonner ✅ aux deux comptes , @WoodsDolls et @L_As_tuce
Read 4 tweets
Sep 24th 2022
BIG #GIVEAWAY FROM @martian_wallet 🔥

🎁Rewards: 900 USDC💰+ 30 OG role

👉How to participate?
1⃣Follow @martian_wallet
2⃣Like & Retweet
3⃣Join discord: and read the instruction "event-updates"

Please like & RT to support us 🙏Thanks

#Aptos #Giveaways Image
#EVENT 1: $600💰 + OG Role + content creator role youtube video event
⏰Oct 2nd, 2022
Top 4: $100 each
5-8: $50 each
1-10: OG Role + content-creator
#EVENT 2: 300 USDC + OG Role event
⏰Sep 27th, 2022
Reward: Top 6 reviews will get 50 USDC each and top 20 people will get the OG role
Read 4 tweets
Aug 14th 2022
One of Brazil's richest and most powerful men, Chiquinho Scarpa stunned the world when he announced that he was burying his million-dollar Bentley so that he could lead his later life in style.
It attracted a lot of media attention, mostly negative and was strongly criticized for its extravagant gesture and the destruction of a valuable vehicle.

Why won't you donate the car?

How far is this gentleman from reality?
Moments before he landed his Bentley car ready to was then that he made a statement that he would not bury his car and then revealed his true motive behind the whole thing was to create awareness for organ donation.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 8th 2022
DeFi 去中心化金融的進化史,來聊聊吧🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋

從瘋狂的 10000% APY 到 TVL 到 算法穩定幣...



結尾會抽 100顆 $CRV 🙀🙀🙀
別忘記 Retweet + Tag 3 Frens + Follow "mrblocktw" Instagram

#抽獎 #Giveaways

- 平靜的2019, Uni V2前時代 $SNX $RUNE
- DeFi夏天, 各種盲挖 $YFI $COMP $CRV $BAL
- 水果8月, 上萬年化率 $SUSHI $YAM $KIMCHI
- 算法10月, 各種穩定幣 $ESD $BASIS $DSD $UST
- TVL時代, 第一個十億鎖倉量 $CRV $UNI $CAKE


👉平靜的2019, Uni V2前時代 🏜️🏖️🏝️🌅🌄


舉例,當時的 $SNX 和 $RUNE 都有獎勵流動性提供者,但是方法跟現在完全不同,主要是沒有統一 "挖礦標準"

Read 12 tweets
Jun 7th 2022

We are the Traderskew OGs, seeking Alpha all across #crypto, #NFTs, #DeFi, #GameFi, #Macro, and #trading.

But what does that really mean, and are we, really?

Here's an introduction - a 🧵
1A/ Interlude

But hey! Before we tell our story, did you know that as part of our grand Twitter Opening, we'll be embarking on a series of #giveaways?

We heard that the grand prize is an NFT to join us, which at the time of this tweet has a floor price of 31 sol!

Stay tuned!
2/ Beginnings

Our home in Discord wasn't our first - we at Traderskew began as a paid crypto-desk subscription at Macrohedged, founded by @TraderSkew.

In late 2021, a proposal was put forward for a new home in Discord, with access gated by our very own NFT.
Read 23 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
Guys and gals.

I really want to help change the #DeFi space up in addition to helping everyone I can with #giveaways and free #Passiveincome assets.

There's so many scams and shadiness in this space and it needs shook out.

I've started working with two companies 🧵
That are specializing in #KYC and #Audits.

@TheDefiShield is a new KYC company that has intense measures to get KYC certified.

This is absolutely necessary to remove bad actors and legitimate projects should have no issue complying.

Learn more:
Aegis Smart Contract Auditing is a new company looking to give professional and affordable audits.

I've already got them hooked up with a couple if projects for free audits to help get them started. @highxrup @GeeGeeETH

Here's their discord: (it's new)
Read 5 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
Le marché vous rend chafouin ? #Giveaways : 500$ en $USDT pour découvrir @wearetropee

Une plateforme qui va permettre aux créateurs de collections #NFT de passer à l'étape suivante de l'histoire : associer leurs collections à des utilities de toutes sortes, et ça c'est smart
Grande nouvelle : le temps des 1ère collections NFT est révolue

Le 1er âge où, en pleine hype, il suffisait de 10 000 clones créés en 3 jours, assortis d'un vague narratif et 2-3 raretés randomisées pour déclencher des sold-out éclairs

On est tous tombé dedans, ne niez pas
Est-ce que c'est triste ? pas du tout !

Désormais les créateurs de collections se voulant trendy ont compris :

- Que les holders voulaient être incités à s'engager sur le long-terme
- De la plus-value régulière et motivante
- Etre récompensés pour leur loyauté
Read 17 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
#Giveaways Time : Des NFT qui driftent dans tous les sens

Des NFT calibrés pour traverser les métavers, des véhicules turbo-badass, le tout sur les circuits @ElrondNetwork

On embarque dans @symbiosis_nft

Opération, "When Symbio sir ?" Image
Avertissement : habituellement, je ne donne pas suite aux collections NFT, mais parfois une équipe, un concept ou un design me font faire une exception

Et là, Symbiosis a coché à peu près toutes les cases
L'équipe : les gars sont sérieux, connus, solides

La partie tech est gérée par @Skyzox (référence FR pour les smart contracts Elrond, qu'on embrasse)

La team est constituée de pro de l'industrie auto, du marketing et de la tech avec lesquels j'ai échangé Image
Read 15 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
Es gibt keine Zweifel daran, dass @MontanaBlack betrügerische Gewinnspiele bewirbt. Im Discord von @RudeKidzNFT gibt es keine Auswertung. Der Server ist generell sehr neu. Der Main-Channel wird sekündlich mit random Nachrichten gebottet. @HydrogenSZ
@MontanaBlack @RudeKidzNFT @HydrogenSZ Hier drauf möchte ich auch aufmerksam machen. Ein Gewinnspiel sollte transparent aufgelöst werden. Hier wurde der Tweet gelöscht und die Gewinner bleiben wohl unbekannt.
@MontanaBlack @RudeKidzNFT @HydrogenSZ Und ich knüpfe an einen anderen Gewinnspielpartner von Monte an. @ayroeth Bei einem Gewinnspiel das auf Nachdruck ausgewertet wurde, hat 1 von 4 nichts erhalten. Vielleicht ja nicht gemeldet. Aber auch nicht neu ausgelost oder wenigstens nach außen kommuniziert. Ayro verkauft nun Image
Read 26 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
[#Thread & #Giveaways] Autour du projet @RunOnFlux sur lequel @MiningTk est incollable.

Un lot de 150 $FLUX à se partager pour lequel vous devez :
🔹 Follow @FLUX_France & @From0To10K
🔹 RT & Like
🔹 Commenter : "Wen $FLUX listing on @BybitFr sir?"

Infos, tirage & Thread ⬇️
Les 150 $FLUX seront divisés en 3 :

🔸 100 FLUX
🔸 30 FLUX
🔸 20 FLUX

Le tirage du #Giveaways / #Concours aura lieu le 13 Décembre.

Ce concours sponsorisé vous est offert en partenariat avec @FLUX_France que je remercie pour leur confiance.

Aller, découvrons @RunOnFlux ⬇️
$FLUX, histoire & origines

Né du « fork » de la #crypto anonyme #ZCash, FLUX se nommait autrefois ZELCash et son coin le $ZEL. Le but était de créer une plateforme décentralisée, sécurisée et évolutive.

Ce n’est que le 27 Mars 2021, que le projet fût rebaptisé $FLUX.
Read 25 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
1/19 @swapleonicorn #Crypto #BSC $LEOS $LEON
- What is it?
- Who are the people behind it?
- What are it's future plans?
- Why do I think it's essential?

Here's my write up to give insight into this hot, trending project. As always #DYOR and #NFA.
2/19 #LEONICORNSWAP is a #BSC advanced AMM (#DEX) which seems focused on #Security as it's prime objective, with features such as #lottery, #NFTs #marketplace, #IDO (IJOs), #Staking and many other features that are yet to be announced. (See Road Map)
3/19 Lets delve deeper into the objectives of the #DEX. As I previously mentioned, #Security seems the number one priority, audited by @hackenclub and @certik_io. Something we are all unfamiliar with on the #BSC network is the common #RUG pull security issues with #IDO (presales)
Read 22 tweets
Nov 12th 2021
Thread + #Giveaways / #Concours

Pour fêter la pré-vente #NFT du projet @solbotsfamily, 100$ sont en jeu pour vos plus grand plaisir !

🍀 Retweet & Like
🍀 Follow @From0To10k & @solbotsfamily
🍀 Commente : Merci qui ? Merci @solbotsfamily !

📅 : 20/11/2021

+ d'info ⬇️ Image
Demain à 19h00 précisément aura lieu la pré-vente de la @solbotsfamily avec le #SolFather pour 1 $SOL.

Cette pré-vente publique a pour objectif de vous faire bénéficier d’une réduc par rapport au prix du #mint lors de la future vente officielle. Image
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas le projet @solbotsfamily, j'avais réalisé un #thread sur celui-ci que vous trouverez juste en dessous.

De plus, un article est aussi disponible sur @AucoinDubloc dans la partie, présentation de projets.

Read 7 tweets
Nov 6th 2021
[#Thread] Mesdames et messieurs, devant vos yeux ébahis (musique de cirque), nous allons aborder le thème :

Comment gagner de l'#argent avec les #cryptomonnaies

Thread à déguster très frais accompagné d'une coupe de Dom Pérignon bien assis dans votre fauteuil préféré. ⬇️
Avant de commencer, sachez qu'il n'existe pas de méthode miracle et chaque #investissement vous demandera du #temps ou de l'#argent.

Certaines méthodes vous permettront de gagner de l'argent de façon passive, d’autres demanderont un peu de travail et certaines compétences.
Ensuite, mon but est de simplement "donner des pistes" au travers de ce #thread.

Les caractères étant limités, des exemples ainsi que d'avantages d'#explications seront disponibles sur l'#article complet en fin d'article sur @AuCoinduBloc.

(L'article est un pavé)
Read 27 tweets
Oct 29th 2021
{Mini #Thread] C'est vendredi et le vendredi... C'est éducation party !

Un peu de vocabulaire avec le #rugpull en #crypto. Nous allons voir ce qu'est un rug pull mais aussi, comment essayer d'en déceler un avant de tomber dans le piège.

Détendez vous et voyons ça ensemble ⬇️
Le "#rugpull" est un terme anglophone qui se traduit en français par tirage de tapis. Pas très #sexy hein ?

Dans le secteur des #crypto, un rug pull est une arnaque où les fondateurs/développeurs abandonnent leur projet et s'enfuient avec les fonds des investisseurs.
La grande majorité des #rugpull se produisent sur des plateformes de #finance décentralisée (#DEX).

Ils opèrent sur ces plateformes car ils sont beaucoup plus simples à mettre en œuvre.

Mais ils existent aussi sur des plateformes centralisée comme avec Thodex et son PDG.
Read 21 tweets
May 15th 2021
Ways to market your business online.
If you are a #smallbusiness owner and thinking of starting online. You should read this thread.
#Thread #startup #onlinebusiness #DigitalMarketing
1/5. Invest in #webdev
Your website is the center of all your digital marketing efforts, so if your page is not clean, easy to read, and
interesting, it won’t matter how much time you put into strategy development – you’re still going to lose
2/5. Use Search Engine Marketing and Optimization
Your company website will become associated with the keywords used to find your services with a strong #SEO strategy. This increases your chances of being the company an individual chooses to work with after searching online.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Stand a chance to WIN ₦50,000 by participating in the #uncodechallenge launch. Swipe left to see the know how you can participate.

All you have to do is;

#Techuncode #Giveaways ImageImage
Step 1: Create a one minute video about the most creative/innovative thing you can do with your smartphone
Step 2: Post the video on Instagram and Twitter with the Hashtag #uncodechallenge. Make sure you tag our handle @techuncode.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 8th 2020
Welcome to today's session of #HRwithEM, a weekly #TwitterSession #TweetChat to connect, learn and share career development tips and employee experience practices.

#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor
Thank you for joining us this evening. Please identify yourself and the location you are joining from, so we can acknowledge you properly.

#mentoring #mentorship #HRwithEM
Feel free to tweet your question(s) at me with the hashtag #HRwithEM as the session is going on, and I would respond to all at the end of the session.

#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor
Read 37 tweets
Dec 23rd 2019
Day 7 Challenge:

Get a chance to win a smartphone and other branded item in this 10 days countdown to Christmas give away challenge.

How to win: Image
Make sure you are following
- Go to (website)
- pick your favourite story from the articles posted for the day everyday till the end of the challenge.
- Screen grab and post on your Instagram page.
- Mention @askifatech in your post
- Tag 3 friends
- Use the hastag: #askifachristmaschallenge
- Participant with the most engagement throughout the challenge wins a Tecno Spark 4 device. Runner up wins branded gift items

Good Luck 👍

#Christmasgiveaway #xmasgiveaway #Giveaways #Tecnospark4
Read 3 tweets
Dec 20th 2019
Day 3 Challenge:

Get a chance to win a smartphone and other branded item in this 10 days countdown to Christmas give away challenge.

How to win: Image
- Make sure you are following
- Go to (website)
- pick your favourite story from the articles posted for the day everyday till the end of the challenge.
- Screen grab and post on your Instagram page.
- Mention @askifang in your post
- Tag 3 friends
- Use the hastag: #askifachristmaschallenge
- Participant with the most engagement throughout the challenge wins a Tecno Spark 4 device. Runner up wins branded gift items

Good Luck 👍

#Christmasgiveaway #xmasgiveaway #Giveaways
Read 3 tweets

Related hashtags

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